What you should know about instructional design

Instructional design is a field dedicated to the development of e-learning experiences based on the identification of gaps in attitude, skills, and performance. Thus, instructional design involves the creation of e-learning experiences that address gaps identified in the aspects highlighted below.

E-Learning resources and courses for employees are meant to empower them with important skills and knowledge. Workplace learning and e-learning across the different platforms have significantly improved over time.

As a result, instructional designers create different types of e-learning experiences, including blended learning and not just individual courses.

1) The instructional design process

Although instructional designers could work according to their preferred style and approach, core components make up the general instructional design process.

Let’s consider the core components of the instructional design process:

a) Analysis

The analysis part of the instructional design process is where the specifications and requirements of the project are defined.

Usually, after the analysis is completed, the findings and results are then developed and incorporated into the design. A prototype is then created for the effective communication and testing of ideas and methods.

b) Development

The development of e-learning content is the next core component after the analysis. This development phase involves activities such as the creation of storyboards, discussion questions, and test items.

c) Production

This is a critical component in the design and development of instructional materials. For e-learning content, production involves the application of e-learning authoring tools to both program lessons and create multimedia.

d) Quality assurance

During the quality assurance stage of instructional design, which is carried out before the content or resource is released, developers and designers assess the quality of the e-learning course. The quality assurance aspect is carried out with continuous evaluation tools and methods.

The instructional design process results in the development of at least one high-quality e-learning experience. The development and design of instructional resources and materials could be designed as an iterative process rather than a linear process.

It is noteworthy that the quality of instructional design could be enhanced with the application of design thinking. This is because design thinking will drive the incorporation of design thinking in the development of instructional materials. 

2) The tasks of instructional designers

Having highlighted the core components of instructional design, we now highlight the tasks that instructional designers carry out as part of their roles.

Let’s begin by stating that instructional designers carry out a myriad of tasks that can be categorized into different groups.

To succinctly highlight the tasks that instructional designers carry out, we will be focusing on the core competencies according to the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction.

a) Planning and analysis

The tasks and activities that instructional designers carry out that are related to planning and analysis include the design of curricula or programs, analysis of the characteristics of the environment, and the selection and application of techniques for creating instructional content.

b) Professional tasks and activities

These are some of the core activities and tasks that are part of the role of instructional designers. They include the application of research skills in the development of instructional design projects, communication through different forms like visual, written, and oral.

Other notable professional activities and tasks that instructional designers carry out include the routine acquisition and improvement of skills and knowledge.

c) Management and implementation

The activities in this category include the provision of the most appropriate implementation form for the programs and tools.

Instructional designers are also actively involved in the managing and planning of instructional design projects.

d) Development and design

A wide range of activities and tasks for e-learning instructional designers are in the development and design phase. They are involved in the selection and modification of courses and course materials. The development of e-learning instructional materials is another core activity in this category.

3) The future of instructional design

Non-traditional e-learning forms are increasingly being adopted. As a result, the instructional design career prospects are broadening.

Instructional designers have exciting changes in their careers to look forward to, as they embrace the evolving nature of their field.    


The Best Way to Design eLearning Content


Video Training for e-learning