Video Training for e-learning

Organizations across the different sectors are committed to e-learning training their employees and equipping them with tools and resources for excelling at their jobs. Companies are assigning big budgets to employee digital training activities, including e-learning video training.

The commitment of organizations to digital training employees is seen in the adoption of learning management systems and other e-learning tools. In 2019, other e-learning tools apart from LMS had an adoption rate of about 6%, and LMS had an adoption rate of 1%.

The adoption rates of e-learning tools could be considered a reflection of the importance of video training. Still, it is important to consider industry data and experts’ opinions in deciding on video training investments. We consider those details in this article.

1) How companies apply video training

Research has shown that video is applied for corporate training across different industries and sectors. The application of videos in corporate training has been linked to its adaptability. E-Learning Video can be adapted to the different forms of training styles. Digital Video training is so popular in corporate training that 74% of the 2,000 companies that participated in a survey shared that they use videos.

More than 80% of large companies use video. Midsize and small companies were more than 75% and 60%, respectively.

2) Video training technology trends

The video training technology trends are an essential part of the conversation on whether video training is investment-worthy. The latest technology trends in video training include the application of VR, AI, and AR in enhancing effectiveness.

VR is the technology with which an alternate reality for training purposes could be created. With augmented reality, the current reality is enhanced for training purposes. AI is a technology that could be applied in creating personalized e-learning experiences to improve the effectiveness of e-learning video training.

About more than 25% of organizations across different sectors have indicated their interest in incorporating the available and emerging technologies into video training.

The willingness of organizations to incorporate more technologies in video e-learning training could be described as a clear indication of its potentials and future applications.

3) Challenges of video training

The current challenges associated with e-learning video training are another essential part of the conversation on whether investing in video training is worthwhile.

Video training is more suited for employees that work behind a desk as they have constant access to a computer.

Because of the limitation of access to computers associated with video training, it may not be suited for about 80% of the workforce that does not work behind the desk.

4) Enhancing the effectiveness of video training

Strategies have been proposed for improving the effectiveness of video training. These strategies include the division of chunks of video training into bits that are only about 6 minutes long.

The gamification of e-learning video training content is another recommended strategy for improving the effectiveness of video training. Gamification has been recommended as a means of replacing passive learning with active learning.

To achieve higher engagement on video training, it has also been recommended that PowerPoint slides and code screencasts should be switched for whiteboard-style instructor sketches.

To answer the question of whether e-learning video training is investment-worthy, we provided extensive insights into different aspects of the conversation to guide an informed decision.   


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