The 9 Biggest eLearning Trends

eLearning keeps on developing at an incredible pace, so you may be wondering what new things are going on in the world of eLearning and learning development at this point in time.

How else will you possibly know what you should focus on, invest in, or sign up for? Keeping up with what’s going on in your own industry presumably takes up plenty of your time, so maybe you should leave figuring out the learning and development side to us!

eLearning platform agency

Becoming the best means learning from the best, which is why throughout the past decade of our experience within the eLearning industry we have always paid close attention, and took every opportunity to learn from the eLearning greats - until we became one!

We’ve watched eLearning grow and develop into the multi-faceted field it is today, and we know that there are many more things to come. Being excited for the future, however, isn’t enough on its own.

You also need to be investing time and energy on actually engaging with the future of the industry - and we make sure we always do!

There are some major trends rising in popularity right now, and they bode well for the future of the eLearning industry as a whole - and for the generation of talent entering the workforce who expect to be trained!

Where do you need to be particularly creative and innovative?

What are the newer eLearning fields of interest worth going for? We have collated the answers for you, so that you don’t have to delve through pages and pages of information to find out.

eLearning platform agency

Keep reading to find out about the 9 most impactful eLearning trends, and how they will benefit both your organisation and your Learners as you embark on the adventure that is eLearning.


Every organisation needs to integrate microlearning into their process and methodology. Using smaller, bite-sized chunks of learning content is easier for the Learner to oversee, memorise and digest. Microlearning both improves the overall level of retention and is easier to manage for a Learner, with far less risk of overwhelming them.

They are unlikely to grow bored when dosed with appropriate microlearning materials, and their overall interest level will drive up the level of meaningful engagement.

Modules can be designed with interactive elements like eLearning videos, podcasts, games, polls, infographics, etc. to break up information into manageable portions, and your Learners will enjoy the variety and brevity.


We understand all the intricacies of microlearning, here at TheLearning LAB. eLearning is our passion, and we can help you turn your ideas into a fully-fledged course Learners will genuinely want to engage with!

Artificial Intelligence

What is AI capable of in eLearning? A whole lot of amazing feats! It is an investment which may not be accessible to all, given its high cost and significant complexity, but nevertheless this technology is rapidly progressing and you should definitely keep an eye on it.

AI uses the machine’s capacity for analysis to observe Learner behaviour and figure out individual, or group, educational needs, much quicker and in more detail than human teachers or course moderators could. And optimising the course means happier Learners!

Virtual tutors running on AI guiding Learners through their course, personalising users’ learning experience based on their performance, suggesting next steps for them when they get stuck, AI can fulfil many tasks which traditionally would have required a salaried person. Now, no matter the time of day or night, you can have AI accessible to your Learners!

eLearning Gamification

Over the past three years, Gamification has received a very warm welcome from the users of e-Learning platforms across Switzerland as well as on a global scale. It drives engagement by allowing Learners to visualise their progress through a clear set of ‘wins’.

Rewarding learning processes play a vital role in Learner retention. It also improves the Learner experience and we believe it will keep increasing in popularity in the coming years. Contact our Swiss e-learning team for more information on how you can gamify your course, and make the most of your Learners’ potential!

Here at TheLearning LAB, our designers are specialised in producing a huge variety of gamification solutions. This means that if you can visualise an idea, our team can bring it to life using gamification and 3D motion design.

Are you ready to take your organisation to the next level?
Contact us!

elearning agency

Adaptive eLearning

This technique offers a customised and personalised learning experience. After one or several pre-learning tests to gauge the Learner’s current level, the system or algorithm determines the level and the optimal learning journey for each individual user.

The result is a Learner who is both less frustrated and more challenged, thanks to the course responding more accurately to his educational needs. It means e.g. not having to do a lengthy series of basic questions when your Learner is already at an intermediate level, saving them time and even giving the Learner a positive boost as they have their prior knowledge acknowledged by the course.

One way to adapt elearning to all your Learners is the use of eLearning Paths.

Creativity is an integral aspect of eLEarning course design.

eLearning Video Training

Do not underestimate the power of elearning video! It has become an absolute must-use media in order for you to succeed in the creation of any e-learning project.

Our Swiss e-learning agency has created a special department, made up of experts in their fields, to be able to storyboard, design, brand and produce video content for any project, no matter how big a challenge. Video is going to be around for a long time, and you need to include it in your strategy. Video training is vital to engaging your audience, and no course can be complete without it. Curious to know the details? Read our article on leveraging the power of video!

TheLearning LAB is a highly specialised 360° service covering all aspects of eLearning, from the backbone of the elearning agency (LMS) to the finest details within video training, we can do it all.

Mobile eLearning

The use of mobile devices to access the web is increasing year after year, Learners want to be able to access to the course material any time, via their mobile phone whilst commuting.

Elearning Videos and podcasts are assets for these Learners, granting visual and auditory access to the content no matter where they are: in a train, bus, restaurant, public park or at home, without ever needing their laptop.

We’ve written extensively on the reasons why you need an mLearning app, and delved into the best practice tips for mobile learning which will make your Learners’ lives much easier.

Your Learners want convenience, as everything around us caters to effortlessly navigating and interacting with our world.

This means you’re in luck, as ease and convenience are the absolute hallmarks of mobile learning - so contact us to make it happen!

Visual Learning

Avoid heavy, deadening chunks of text which tire your Learners out, and design content to be visually appealing and calming.

How you design your content affects what they get out of it, and any type of visual, e.g. infographics and animations, will improve the learning experience and increase both engagement and retention.

When you look at your course pages, it should feel like your eyes are drawn to the text in a positive way, without being imprisoned by stark sentences and paragraphs.

You want your Learners’ eyes to naturally go from one item of information to the next, without overwhelm or confusion.

eLearning with LMS LAB is intuitive for the users, the admins, and everyone in-between

User-Generated Content (UGC)

Learners are getting involved in their own learning experiences, and that of their peers, by producing a vast array of User-Generated Content (UGC) during their course participation.

From making a short explainer video for a confused colleague, or posting testimonials, tweeting about their learning experience, or even writing about it in their personal blog, UGC is the new trend. Giving your Learners the option to engage this way, e.g. through chat rooms, forums, allowing the upload of files or short video clips into a UGC resource section, etc. Allowing them to participate this way boosts confidence and helps every Learner on the course.

Confident talent who feel capable of learning from, and giving advice to, their peers become ever more valuable to your organisation throughout their process of finding their voice, their view, their self. With this type of boost, your talent will make the very most of themselves!

Social Learning

Did you know that providing Learners with a sense of community is a key aspect of Learning? There’s a whole other skillset involved in digital communication and using interpersonal skills in a digital, remote-working and remote-learning environment. Social learning is the most effective way to learn, which means that improving social connectivity is imperative within a corporate learning culture!

Effective eLearning and digital solutions are the best way to achieve this in the workplace, whether or not your employees are working remotely. Introducing a social learning digital training solution gives your employees the chance to interact, talk, brainstorm, share knowledge and build on their foundation of workplace know-how. This will not only boost their ability to communicate, foster team collaboration and develop interpersonal skills, but also make your talent feel appreciated. When people can express themselves and discuss ideas, and are given a voice within the workplace, their confidence skyrockets. What more could we possibly want?

ELearning Agency, That’s all, folks!

As you can see, eLearning is as multifaceted as it is fascinating, and our extensive experience in the field gives us invaluable insight into how to design courses for every type of Learner.

It takes a specialist touch to design a course which isn’t a chore for Learners, but rather engages them in a way which is meaningful and develops their skillset without the risk of overwhelm or frustration. Want to see what we can do for you? Don't hesitate to contact us for a consultation!

We produce content that is made for the world of business, with the human experience front and centre.

Let our agency help you design innovative, authentic and engaging eLearning content tailored to your Learners’ individual needs and levels. Contact us now!


Storyboarding & Scripting for eLearning courses


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