Storyboarding & Scripting for eLearning courses

Storyboarding and scripting for elearning courses are a fundamental part of designing and developing an eLearning course, and they are vital to what we do at TheLearningLAB elearning agency.

In the early stages of development, it is crucial that the overall vision of the elearning course is portrayed in a clear and coherent manner.

Storyboarding is an enormously beneficial tool in the planning process and will make the overall development of the course a lot easier. Additionally, creating a script for your storyboard is crucial; it should complement the animations and/or scenarios that are included in the course.

At the TheLearning LAB eLearning Agency, we’ve come to understand just how important storyboarding and scripting are for eLearning, and we are going to outline these benefits to you so you can appreciate their importance, too!

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But first… What is Storyboarding for elearning courses?

Storyboarding is the process of mapping out the structure and content of an eLearning course.

A storyboard can be written document or graphic representation that documents the content of the elearning course in a formulated sequence.

The aim of a storyboard is to demonstrate how the content will flow. and be organised.

Some storyboards are more illustrative and will include a mixture of visual image design and text or in some cases, a storyboard may have text alone. However, it should always indicate the different content elements such as video, audio, text and animation that will be included in the elearning course. A storyboard is often described as being a blueprint for an eLearning course.

And what is Scripting for elearning courses?

A script is a text that is usually written alongside the storyboard and it covers and explains the elearning lesson content.

The key feature of a script is that it is “written for the ear” instead of the eye. This is because the purpose of an eLearning script is to engage the learner. It is important that the script is written in a way that will sound smooth and conversational so that the learner feels like they are being spoken to as opposed to being read to. The script is written for the voice over actor and it will be read over a video or audio lesson for an eLearning course.

Got it? Great! Let’s move on to the best part - the benefits, showing you how your eLearning course will be shaped by the early decisions made in the development phase!

The benefits of Storyboarding

Benefits include:

·      It’s easy to make modifications

New ideas and changes are inevitable, and it is essential that these changes can be implemented quickly and efficiently when designing an eLearning course. With a solidified eLearning course structure, the designer can easily make changes before the development process begins and therefore where the client or stakeholders require modifications, this can be done without any hassle. 

·      It saves time

At first glance, creating an entire eLearning storyboard can seem like a long process, however, it will, in fact, save a lot of time in the long run. Jumping straight into development without strategic planning may seem like a faster and quicker option, however, any mistakes that are made will be a huge hassle to fix as the whole eLearning course may have to be restructured.

eLearning Storyboards allow you to have a model of how your course will look and therefore, any information that is missing or that needs to be added can be done easily.   

·      It is a clear way to share your vision with team and clients

A storyboard is a great way to organise the course content in a way that is easy for clients and other team members to understand. This is a useful way to get input and ideas from others and their ideas can be incorporated into the course. At TheLearning LAB eLearning agency, we are expert eLearning video and audio content designers and we make a conscious effort to collaborate with our clients in order to meet all of their digital learning needs.

·      It enables future eLearning planning

Storyboarding allows you to create a eLearning strategy for the required scenarios in the eLearning video or audio training. Once a plan has been thoroughly built, it becomes easier to predict how different learners will progress through the eLearning course.

A detailed storyboard enables you to envision how the media and script will work together and how the overall course will be mapped out. Storyboards ensure that you are able to plan to meet the client’s vision as well as meeting the learning objectives for the eLearning course.

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The benefits of Scripting

Benefits include:

·      It makes Learning more personal

As previously mentioned, scripting is essential as it ensures that the learner is receiving information in an engaging way. Learners should feel enthusiastic about their lessons and therefore an engaging and personal delivery is key.

·      It produces easier comprehension for Learners

Studies have found that a combination of video and audio improves learner comprehension as they use and activate separate cognitive channels. As they use two channels, they are able to retain more information than graphics or audio alone. This ultimately comes down to having a good script. Learners are able to retain more information in this manner than if they were just reading the text themselves. A great eLearning script should be packed with information while being simultaneously compelling.

·      It is vital preparation

Adding a script completes the entire storyboard. When writing a script, the developer is able to improve and amend any phrases that may not resonate well with the listener. They can include specific pause lines and any notes on pronunciation for the voice actor. Writing a script allows for the prevention of any awkward and robotic tones. Additionally, once the voice actor has recorded an audio of the script, the script can be modified until it is suitable for the course.

That’s scripting & storyboarding in a nutshell! 

Storyboarding and scripting are an integral part of designing a premium eLearning course. Combining the two ensures that the content delivered to learners is well-planned and refined. At TheLearning LAB, we are a Swiss, Zurich-based e-learning agency that has a team made up of experts in all fields pertaining to digital training.

This includes video animation, education, corporate branding, LMS design, instructional design, and so on (to name just a few).

Our expertise guarantees the creation of high-quality storyboards and scripts which aids in the design and production of the best possible video and audio content for any eLearning project.

We are collaborative and we will walk you through our entire design process, ensuring that your employees or associates are provided with an enriching and captivating learning experience.  

Contact us now for a FREE pilot project to see how we are the ideal choice for all your eLearning needs! There’s no such thing as a job half done when you hire TheLearning LAB. 


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