10 features that make a great eLearning Platform

Across the world, we are all coming to terms with the fact that online learning is becoming a major part of the new normal of education and training.

Elearning has a significant number of benefits for everyone. For one, it allows for continuous elearning for people of all ages and social backgrounds. It also keeps costs low for organisations who wish to train their employees.

The recent surge in the use of online learning solutions has shown us that now, more than ever, eLearning is widely sought after, and its value in the education sector is unmatched. There is so much that goes into creating a great elearning platform, and at TheLearning LAB elearning platform, we pride ourselves in providing high-quality eLearning solutions.

Understanding what it takes to make an eLearning course great means understanding what makes for a great elearning platform, as without a superb LMS you won’t be able to construct a course that ticks every box.

Our team has created a shortlist of the eight most vital features that are essential to a high-quality eLearning platform, so our clients and prospective service users can understand what it is that they need from an elearning platform LMS. Are you curious to find out more? Keep reading!

elearning platform

Learning Management Systems are the very foundation of your digital training courses - choosing the right one is vital to a successful outcome.

8 vital features for a great elearning platform LMS

1. eLearning Platform Accessibility

Mobile learning is a simple way to leverage Learner engagement as Learners find it easy and enjoyable to use the platform on a daily basis. It has been found that around 24% of elearning platform LMS users were unsatisfied with elearning platform (LMS) platforms that had few or no mobile capabilities available at all.

Accessibility is a crucial aspect of eLearning, as users want to be able to learn on-the-go wherever possible. A good elearning platform LMS will have eLearning programs that can be used virtually anywhere.

Whether it is a smartphone, laptop, or tablet, there will always be a flexible way for Learners to access the content. It is also beneficial to the Learner experience if an elearning platform LMS has features that enable content to be broken down into smaller segments such as quick videos or podcasts that Learners have readily available to them.

2. elearning platform Easy Navigation

Naturally, you will aim to find a system that is intuitive and easy to use. A web-based eLearning Platform LMS solution, for example, is one which is simple to use for almost all users, regardless of their technological background.

It is a software that is run through a web browser, and what is great about it is that is does not require any complex upgrades or prior knowledge of software systems.

Popular examples of web-based softwares that you may be familiar with are email programs such as Gmail and Yahoo, which have an ease-of-use and don’t require downloading programmes or complex system updates. An ideal eLearning Platform (LMS) will be one that has a clear design and offers the option of changing the layout in ways that suit each organisation, which makes web-based solutions such as TheLearning LAB’s own eLearning Platform LMS LAB, a fantastic choice!

3. Efficient Administration

Being able to carry out various administrative processes is important for every organisation or company. Your team will probably need to upload several different files, make alterations, and organise your digital training content. You will need a eLearning Platform (LMS) that has a back-end that is customised for your organisation and will, in turn, allow for your organisation to maintain an easy and efficient eLearning platform for every user.

At TheLearning LAB we believe in designing for optimal User Experience (UX), and this includes both the organisations we design solutions for, and their Learners, as both will ultimately be using the eLearning Platform ! The Backend is optimised to be as intuitive to use as it can possibly be, so you don’t need to dramatically retrain your staff in order to successfully manage the system.

4. eLearning Platform Branding and Design

At the forefront of every business identity is great branding. Branding is a visual representation of your organisation’s values and it is therefore very important for an eLearning Platform . A great eLearning Platform (LMS) will provide you with branding options that are attractive and user-friendly.

Our proprietary LMS here at TheLearning LAB, eLearning Platform LMS LAB, has well-designed interfaces for your eLearning course material, tailor-made and personalised to perfectly suit your needs.

Our team will present you with branding templates for you to easily be able to modify and add course content. Our LMS provides sleek branding options that are curated for each company and client, to ensure a smooth-sailing user experience that is both technically and visually flawless.

Learners expect accessibility, intuitive controls and a great visual design for their eLearning Platform.

eLearning Platform

5. Assessment Features

Quizzes and other assessment forms are a critical eLearning Platform (LMS) feature and are a comfortable yet effective way to improve Learner engagement.

They allow both the user and the company to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, it is also beneficial for there to be variation within the quizzes - such as multiple-choice questions, true/false questions, as well as free form or written answers, where possible.

Assessments can be an excellent tool for student motivation, and a way to encourage them to continue learning, as they witness their own improvement first hand.

eLearning Platform

6. eLearning Platform, Progress Tracking

Progress and performance tracking features give you the ability to accurately and efficiently review Learner progress.

Tracking will allow for the generation of reports and the ability to categorise the different groups and individuals who reach specific levels or milestones. An efficient eLearning Platform LMS will provide tracking tools or features that allow trainers or administrators to view these updates.

Many eLearning Platform s (LMS) will also enable the generation of personalised reports from the progress data.

Learners should also be able to see their progress reports themselves which in turn could help to encourage them to improve on specific areas and to perhaps start new or more challenging courses.

7. Variation & Interactive Learning

Everyone learns in their own way, as some eLearners are visual or auditory-based, prefer written content or reading, or are kinaesthetic Learners. In some cases, they prefer a combination of a few of the above!

Providing a variety of different e-learning solutions that have been developed with varying methods of learning in mind is crucial.

For example, many eLearning Platform LMS providers offer gamification, making courses or activities more “game-like”.

In addition to this, other methods - such as podcasts and videos - can be a way to ensure that every Learner will have an enjoyable learning experience.

8. eLearning Platform Continuous Development

The eLearning Platform (LMS) provider industry and eLearning market are growing exponentially, and you will want a eLearning Platform (LMS) that is continuously updated - as well as an eLearning Platform LMS provider that is keeping up to date with new trends, finding ways to improve their system.

Even after you have invested in an eLearning Platform LMS for your organisation, you will want to be sure that your provider is still in contact and stays available for collaborations with you.

You want them to be dedicated to making sure you to have the best digital training delivered to your users, and that their eLearning Platform LMS both is top-notch and stays top notch!

eLearning Platform

We’ve actually left two of the most vital features for last - but don’t mistake their placing at the end of the list for them being unimportant!

In fact, you’ll be more likely to remember that which you most recently read, so being placed last will help ensure you keep these crucial features in mind as you continue finding out more about how a eLearning Platform (LMS) can change your organisation’s learning experience.

eLearning Platform

9. Video-first eLearning Platform

We’ve written a dedicated article on the importance of choosing a video-first LMS, which you can read if you would like to know the details that go beyond the scope of today’s list.

To paraphrase, the importance of videos simply cannot be overstated, and as a very welcome bonus: in the long run, a video-first LMS saves you substantial amounts of money. Being exceptionally versatile, video-first learning allows you to include content that is authentically engaging, using 3D animation, 360°C video, “choose your own adventure” video, a combination of great visuals and voice-overs, etc.

There’s also the dedicated analytics video-first eLearning provides: from video watch stats to which videos are skipped, left unfinished, rewatched, very popular or extremely low-demand. Your analytics will provide invaluable insights into the needs of your Learners.

Our own LMS here at TheLearning LAB, called LMS LAB, is a dedicated video-first eLearning Platform (LMS) which offers the very best eLearning is currently capable of, engaging Learners in a way that truly works.

eLearning Platform LMS LAB. TheLearning LAB. Learn more.

10. Social Learning

Social learning is the age-old concept of learning from and with others by observing their behaviours.

Us humans have engaged in social learning for as long as we have walked this planet - think about how children learn language through observation and modelling! Social learning essentially means ‘learning by doing’ after having seen someone else perform a similar task. Nowadays, we leverage technology to continue to develop interpersonal skills.

Despite being behind our computers much of the time, rather than in a traditional learning environment of a classroom, eLearning can make great use of social learning.

Features such as forums, chat functions, Q&As, group discussions and competition-based gamification will keep your talent engaged and connected. Have a look at our recent article on Social Learning to find out more!

eLearning Platform, That’s a wrap!

With TheLearning LAB and eLearning Platform LMS LAB, you can be sure we’ll be around, updating, upgrading, and developing all-new features as trends shift and grow over time. We’re based in Zurich, Switzerland, but our reach has always been global.

This is just a small compilation of the many features that make a great eLearning Platform (LMS). This list is here to act as a simple guide and was made to help you become a bit more familiar witheLearning Platform (LMS). TheLearning LAB provides all of these features and then some!

Our aim is to provide a unique learning experience that is memorable for all users.

From course design to custom branding, our tailor-made eLearning Platform (LMS), LMS LAB, is unrivalled, and its ability to engage Learners unparalleled.

Contact us for a FREE consultation or workshop, and find out how TheLearning LAB can guide and reshape your organisation into becoming an authentic and authoritative voice on the topics that matter to you!



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