Instructional design for eLearning Engagement

Did you know that Instructional design means applying the knowledge of HOW people learn to the development and optimisation of courses and learning materials? In eLearning, it is an absolute must!

Tailored to the needs of the Learners, the goals of the organisation, and creative content design, Instructional Design brings together everything eLearning has to offer into a visually stunning, intuitive eLearning package. It offers your organisation what it needs to jump onto the fast track of skill-building success, from point A through to Z!

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Keeping Learners engaged means using every necessary tool to ensure they have a great user experience, including custom, creative content design, visuals and an intuitive layout they immediately feel at home using. Instructional Design is instrumental to making this happen.

To showcase what it really involves, we've gathered six tips for great Instructional Design; are you ready to discover them?

6 Instructional Design tips for Learner Engagement

1) Apply a tiered learning approach

Using the three distinct tiers, namely the audio-visual, text-based, and interactive phases of learning, you will boost both retention and Learner engagement.

Giving Learners the chance to explore the content visually and through audio provides them with the basics and the framework, and the text-based information that follows slots neatly into this foundation to develop a more in-depth understanding. It avoids overwhelming Learners by offering them the right information at the right time.

This means they are motivated, engaged and empowered by their learning, perfectly primed to move into the third tier: applying their learning through interactive scenarios, discussions and questions!

TheLearning LAB: elearning agency

2) Set clear learning goals

Research has shown that the practice of goal-setting comes with many benefits. For one, they help us remain focused and engaged, allowing us to fully commit to the topic at hand by zeroing in our focus onto what we need to do.

They need to be achievable so that the Learner can reach a point where they meet the learning goal and feel a genuine sense of accomplishment. Experiencing an authentic sense of achievement boosts the Learners' ability to self-motivate in the long-term, encouraging them to continue engaging with the materials.

3) Make use of interactive elements

Interactivity is the hallmark of any eLearning programme, allowing Learners to make the experience their own and benefit from the course to their highest standard. What you want is for Learners to interact with spontaneous, unexpected, and stimulating scenarios which get their brains working at full steam.

Use brief checkpoint quizzes throughout the eLearning course and frequently switch between various interactive elements (case studies, gamification elements, discussion tasks and quizzes). Using these elements provides real value to the Learner, solidifying their learning and keeping them engaged.

4) Make it intuitive and personalised

Your course should feel both personal and practically applicable to the Learners. So keep in mind what the needs of Learners from different departments within the organisation are, or how your Learners will advance through the course at different rates. You must develop Learning Paths which guide them through their learning experience, and use examples, case studies, and assignments that are relevant to your audience.

Another fantastic personalisation tool is scenario-based learning. Similar to real case studies, it is a hypothetical scenario in which the Learner can apply their knowledge. Their decisions alter the course of the scenario, and they learn how to manage potential situations, decision-making processes and the consequences of their choices.

The Learner will be able to see their use of knowledge come to life in a highly practical, engaging and motivating way. You can also promote discussions on the public forums so that they experience a sense of community, further exploring the course as a social yet personalised learning journey.

Instructional design is also an opportunity to get to evaluate Learners on a personal level. Encouraging the employees to take part in interactive tasks, follow their own Learning Paths and ask questions makes learning more personal. You can promote discussions on public forums so that the Learners feel a sense of community, show them their learning matters, and boost their people skills at the same time.

LMS LAB, the Video-first LMS by TheLearning LAB. Creative Content Design Agency. eLearning

5) Create an effective feedback loop

Without feedback and reviews of their performance, Learners are left in the dark as to how well they are learning. Feedback shouldn't only be a way to score them, however; it should improve their understanding of what they've learned well, tell them what they can improve on, and show them where they can find the right resources to continue their knowledge development. Feedback is also an opportunity for the course leaders to get to interact with the Learners on a more personal level. Encouraging them to ask questions makes learning personal, and they quickly become more involved in it. 

Getting feedback from the Learners is equally important. Once a Learner knows that you're open to suggestions and feedback, they'll likely become more engaged and motivated.

For example, having a constructive back and forth discussion on the public forum, where their voice is valued and the course leader acknowledges their concerns will build a sense of community and develop trust. Having a dedicated channel for wording concerns offers Learners a sense of control over their learning environment, and highlights their individual importance in the programme.

6) Use the right Instructional Design model

There are many different Instructional Design models out there, and choosing the right one for your organisation is vital. Instructional Designers use these models to plan and structure the framework of the eLearning course, defining the activities which will guide the course, and communicating the purpose of the strategy which underpins it all. Essentially, it provides a clear overview of everything it takes to make an eLearning course great!

There are many models out there, but we’ll briefly present three of the most commonly used and popular models to give you an idea of what Instructional Design models involve!

The ADDIE model

  • Analysis

  • Design

  • Development

  • Implementation

  • Evaluation

Bloom’s Taxonomy

  • Cognitive (Mental)

  • Affective (Emotional)

  • Psychomotor (Physical skills)

Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation

  • Reaction

  • Learning

  • Behaviour

  • Results

TheLearning LAB interactive 3D motion design for eLearning

Make your eLearning course an Instructional Design gem!

At TheLearning LAB, we are experts in creating tailor-made eLearning strategies and instructional design plans that meet the Learners’ needs, combined with our in-depth design experience and expert video production. We ensure the process is fully comprehensible for our clients and their Learners in order to optimise the content and design to become exactly what they need. Creative content design is done best by those with the experience and knowledge to hit every milestone, so take on an agency to do the heavy lifting for you!

Now that we've had a quick look at how instructional design elevates the Learner experience, and how it boosts Learner engagement, you might benefit from some of our previous articles on related topics. Do you want to know more about how to set the tone for a great corporate learning culture? Or maybe, now that we’re on the topic of instructional design, you want some more insights into how it works? Our specialists bring their expertise to you through these articles, making knowledge accessible and aiming to support you on your eLearning journey. If there are topics you would like to see next, contact us!

TheLearning LAB offers a video-first LMS, gamification, expertly constructed Learning Paths and Objectives, and much more as part of our 360° service.

Contact us now for a free consultation and find out how we can boost your eLearning journey!


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