5 Corporate eLearning Environment tips

Developing a corporate elearning environment means setting your organisation on the fast track to success!

You want your employees to commit to self-improvement and skill-building, and you want them to feel good about doing so.

A caring and supportive corporate culture, one in which every member of the team is valued and offered opportunities for personal growth through eLearning, will bring out the very best in your people.

eLearning is capable of achieving fantastic results, boosting confidence, building theoretical and practical knowledge, bringing teams closer together and even helping your organisation retain your top talent! This quick overview will present you with a handful of tips which contribute to your corporate learning environment, so you and your employees make the very most out of every eLearning opportunity!

How do you use eLearning to cultivate a healthy corporate learning environment? Keep reading to find out!

LMS LAB: Video-first Learning Management System. TheLearning LAB Creative Content Development Agency Geneva, Palo Alto, London, Paris.

Five Corporate Learning Environment tips

1) eLearning Teamwork & buddies

Your employees may be highly self-motivated people,  but they will still benefit from a  gentle sense of accountability.

Arranging for each Learner to be part of a group or to be paired up with another Learner means they’ll always have that first point of contact if they are stuck, unmotivated, or just want to discuss their elearning with someone! This type of peer-to-peer support builds trust, confidence and motivation, as well as helping your employees become a tight-knit team.

2) eLearning Accessibility

Your team is likely made up of a varied range of ages, abilities, backgrounds and computer literacy levels. To develop an optimal corporate learning environment, be sure to cater to everyone within your organisation. Every employee should be able to access the course; use subtitles, voice-overs, high-contrast modes and more.

Put in place resources such as computer literacy modules, kickstarting the elearning experience of those who may not be as comfortable jumping into eLearning without some support! A limited number of in-person explainer sessions could also be useful, with the emphasis that there is no shame in needing the boost of information! A good learning culture embraces all levels of elearning and encourages growth.

3) eLearning Guidance & support

When your Learners run into an issue they feel they cannot solve themselves, or with the help of their peers, having a dedicated guidance manager for the eLearning course will ensure your Learner feels listened to.

However, having a guidance or support system in place doesn’t only help those who actively seek out the guidance - it also shows all of the Learners that you value them and their eLearning journey and that you are in their corner!

Discussion boards where questions can be asked and answered by both peers and advisors also shape the learning culture, encouraging Learners to seek solutions rather than get stuck in a problem.

4) eLearning Expectations & trust

Goal setting is a great way to keep motivations high and to show your Learners that you trust them to make it to that finish line at their own pace, within the reasonable constraints of the timeframe.

Sending e.g. a one-week reminder before a course should be completed is a useful option, but otherwise show your employees you believe in their ability to manage time, be self-motivated and develop themselves independently.

5) eLearning Setting the example

Having your CEO or Chairman endorse the eLearning course, use it to develop new skills or e.g. brush up on the fire safety procedures in place at the company, shows an enthusiasm for learning that sets the right tone for your organisation. Sharing success stories from Learners is another great way to set the tone, and show how much eLearning is valued within the organisation. Nothing develops a learning culture better than repeated positive reinforcement!

Ready to develop a phenomenal corporate elearning environment?

Every organisation needs a strong corporate learning culture which benefits the Learners and the organisation alike. Are you ready to get in on the eLearning revolution?

Our LMS is predominantly video-based, and we use gamification to make the eLearning content highly memorable. Contributing to learning that is intuitive, fun and engaging, you’ll shape a corporate learning culture within a short timeframe. There’s no innovation we fall behind on; we offer the very best 360° service from concept to completion - and helping you ensure your corporate learning culture is at its best is no problem for us!

Our blog features many different aspects of the world of eLearning, so have a browse of the topics and enjoy our free guides and information! Are you, for example, curious to find out about getting your organisation ready for eLearning? Or maybe you want to know how branding works when it comes to eLearning, because your brand has a strong identity it wants to maintain?

At TheLearning LAB we specialise in creating memorable learning experiences for the corporate sector, with over 15 years of experience. Our eLearning solutions will help your organisation develop a healthy, positive learning environment which values growth and brings fantastic results.

Contact us now for a free consultation. We are a creative content development agency, and we’re ready for a challenge! Are you ready to challenge us?


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