E-learning project management’s checklist
Before working on an e-learning project, it is important to ask the right questions that give proper insights into the scope and requirements of digital project management. Doing this, allows the professional and client to set the right expectations. This article critically takes a look at questions to ask before taking an e-learning project's brief & checklist.
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What does the intervention support? There is always a goal for every learning activity. This will identify the goal and help you streamline activities accordingly.
Who is the target audience? The target audience will influence the project's scope. Ask for the specific audience of the program.
What change do you hope to achieve in the target population? This will guide the development of the project, to effect behavioural change instead to influence general knowledge gain.
Why is the change necessary? With this question, you're essentially asking why the change needed to be achieved hasn't been achieved before now. This will reveal the extent of the learning gap if any.
1) Questions that reveal the learning requirements
After establishing the presence and extent of the learning gap, proceed to ask about the learning requirements in detail.
What must the learner know to achieve the necessary change? This is to get the details of the must-knows. That way, you can focus on applying strategies that will cause the required change to be effected. This is opposed to just dumping new, unnecessary knowledge on learners.
What are the key principles for the performance requirements? Learners should connect to the key principles behind an idea or expected change at an emotional level. Identify the key principles, work towards creating an emotional connection with the target population.
What are the necessary skills for achieving performance requirements? Identify the required skills and apply tools and methods to ensure that learners acquire them. This will streamline the course and improve its effectiveness.
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2) Questions that focus on the learners
What skills, knowledge, and experience do the learners possess? You should ask this question as regards the subject area. This is important information to guide your creation of suitable learning materials.
How motivated are the learners? This will determine your approach in engaging the learners, whether you would need to build enthusiasm in them or go straight to creating the learning content.
Do the learners have any fears and hopes as regards this program? For the seamless acquisition of skills and knowledge to occur, the learning methods and tools must address the concerns of the learners. Focus on their hopes as well as anxieties.
Is there an established learning culture? When you know the established learning culture, you can embrace it, if you are sure of its effectiveness. If you will be switching things up, then you will know what you’re against and develop the most suitable method to counter the established culture.
Do the learners lack any basic skills required for effective learning? This question focuses on basic skills such as language, numeracy, and computer literacy. If they do not possess the required skills, then, the design of the course should be modified to accommodate this deficiency.
Any peculiar features of the target population? Peculiar features of the target population that would influence the course design could be revealed.
3) Questions about the logistics of the project
What is the target population’s size? The population size will influence the distribution channels applied.
Are support systems available? The support systems will influence the tools and measures needed for the design and implementation of the project.
What is the project’s budget? Get clear details about the project's budget as soon as possible. That way, you can make all plans accordingly.
Here you go: questions that would give you a good idea of any learning project's scope and requirements