7 Tips to integrate Social Learning in e-learning content development
Over the years, online e-learning has been plagued with lots of issues due to the lack of human interactions.
Digital Experts believe that lack of human interactions associated with digital learning causes loneliness which is not only felt by the learner but the instructors too.
It is time to integrate Social Learning into you e-learning content development strategy
Loneliness in online learning is largely attributed to the geographic and temporal distance between both parties. However, experts have shared a few tips that can help in managing Digital Training associated loneliness.
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1) Lead with empathy
The struggle associated with digital learning can be better managed when seen as a human factor rather than technological problems. Leading with empathy is thus an effective way of dealing with loneliness associated with digital learning. Over Zoom or any other online learning platform, people are bound to struggle with maintaining the real-life connection they had with the instructor and other learners.
However, by leading with empathy, the instructor starts by treating the learners as if they have had a bad day and makes the e-learning process interactive.
2) Incorporate active learning
The incorporation of active listening can improve online learning experiences and eliminate the associated loneliness. Active listening is especially important because it makes learning relational instead of transactional.
Before now, students already have a transactional view of traditional education, where they expect grades and degrees in exchange for the time they commit. However, relational-based learning focuses on learner transformation and relationship building.
A simple way to incorporate active learning into online learning is to ask the learner how they feel. Such interactions could open up opportunities for relationship building.
3) Encourage expert-free expressions
Conversations without the expert in the room are usually richer and more interactive. A means of combating loneliness issues associated with online learning is to encourage conversations where the expert is not around.
Experts and instructors should create moments where they step away and allow the learners to have unguided conversations. Such conversations will both improve learning experiences and combat loneliness.
There is a level of deference associated with the expert being in the room. This is eliminated when conversations are between the learners.
4) Encourage partnership
Encouraging e-learning partnerships by grouping students to work on assignments and discuss course content improves the quality of learning experiences. Instructors should encourage learning partnerships to create cognitive apprenticeship and improve learning experiences. Learning partnerships also promote community engagement.
For learning partnerships to be effective and encourage community engagement, students should be allowed to group themselves. The instructor could also organize the groups.
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5) Focus on the end goals
When instructors focus on the end goals and create an outline targeted at the capacity of the students, they improve learning experiences and combat loneliness.
After highlighting the course's goals, the outline and course material can be designed with an incremental pattern. The learning environment will also be designed in line with the goals to be achieved.
6) Apply educator rituals
The immediacy of digital learning has eliminated the rituals that are part of the preparation of educators for teaching sessions.
This has contributed to the level of loneliness associated with online learning for educators. Educators can combat this loneliness by creating special rituals to prepare and get into the teaching space.
This also helps them to improve mindfulness, responsiveness and enhance connection with the learner.
7) Appreciate the beauty of online learning
Even with the downside of loneliness and other features, e-learning has numerous benefits. For example, with online learning, educators get to interact with the less outspoken learners better. While face-to-face learning favored the outspoken students much more than the introverts, both introverts and extroverts are seen and heard with digital learning.
Breakout groups associated with online learning particularly favor the introverts and can improve their learning experiences and level of interaction with the educator.