How to leverage the power of elearning videos to enhance learner's engagement

A picture is worth a thousand words. This famous saying is something that most (if not all) of us are familiar with. It highlights the power of elearning video. Even static images wield power compared to the use of text-based content alone. In addition, it is a well-established fact that the human brain processes elearning video and graphics a lot faster than text.

Our question to you is: if a static image speaks a thousand words, then how much can a perfectly executed eLearning video say?

It is a no-brainer that if you want to provide engaging training to your employees, the use of a whiteboard, classroom or textbook definitely won’t do the job in our modern world. You need to develop a comprehensive digital training strategy to get the desired results, and for this, you need a reliable agency with a team that knows what they’re doing. Here at TheLearning LAB we have 15 years of experience, and are nowhere near running out of new ideas!

The transition from classroom-based learning to video-based digital training is easier said than done. A lot of pain points need to be addressed before one can successfully use video to improve learner engagement, and it starts with deciding what content it is you want to actually get across to your Learners before going into the nitty-gritty of design and video. Are you ready to discover how we work the eLearning magic? Keep reading to find out!


Video is a powerful eLearning tool, when used to its full potential.


Spend ample time developing the content

The content you put into your course will determine the success of your eLearning initiatives. Don't rush to deliver the program, but rather involve all relevant stakeholders to develop strategic and comprehensive digital training content. If you don’t have in-house resources, you may want to consider hiring an agency (such as TheLearning LAB)!

 Our team, here at TheLearningLAB head offices based in Geneva, Switzerland, boasts over 15  years of experience ranging from the creation and maintenance of eLearning solutions to assisting institutions in content curation. This includes designing animation, video, course branding, mascots and more. We’ve done and seen it all!

Use the right mix of digital resources

When we talk about eLearning, the options are unlimited. You can opt for things as simple as using a pdf file to deliver content, to using animations or a video which enacts a real-life scenario. A fantastic content booster to add value to a course is one which allows for two-way communication, a direct line between the person delivering the content and the Learner. This could be in the form of planned webinars, sessions on Facebook Live, or the use of forums to get instant feedback and allow Learners to communicate with educators and guest speakers.

Delivering an eLearning course to Learners should never feel impersonal when UX design is done right, but even so - including some live sessions to break the mould is generally a welcome change even in the best of courses! The advantages of two-way communication are manifold. For one, it allows you to get direct feedback from Learners on what concepts they find harder, so you can continuously review your video-based curriculum and optimise it to enhance user engagement should any issues arise.

Use different video types for lectures

This point is closely related to the previous one; video content can be delivered in many forms, including (but not limited to) PowerPoint-based narrations, a headshot-style video, a screencast, fully animated video, etc. A successful eLearning program is one which uses myriad options, as this is what keeps engagement levels high, and hence has a higher chance of achieving its objectives. Variety avoids boredom, and boredom is the single biggest barrier to having your Learners engage.

Digital training isn’t “just video”, the concept is full of branches perfected by the use of a combination of resources; presenting a Learner with video after video of someone monotonously speaking at them will never engage the Learner, whereas an animation followed by a great, engaging talk will definitely do the trick!


Video-first LMS for eLearning: LMS LAB.

We identify the many facets and intricacies of your course objectives and company values, and we present them to your Learners in a way which is both engaging and memorable.

Keep the videos short and sweet

There isn’t a definitive answer to what the ideal length of a video is; even researchers are undecided for the moment. For example, a study by researchers at MIT concluded that the ideal video length is less than 6 minutes. The results were obtained from a data set of 6.9 million video sessions, so that’s definitely a video length maximum to keep in mind! Another study, conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Stout, asked students what video length keeps their interest alive throughout the digital training session. The majority of students were interested in sessions that lasted no more than 15 minutes, clearly showing that short and sweet are a key concept for video!

The workaround for this UX issue could be as simple as breaking long video lessons into a series of videos of no more than 10-15 minutes which, all together, form a module. Or you could use different combinations of video types to keep the Learner interested during more in-depth video sessions of 30 mins or more. Think about e.g. using 3D motion design to turn a boring video of an educator speaking into an engaging video with visuals flying across the screen!

Use transcripts and captions

eLearning should never be designed with only one type of Learner in mind. Not everyone is a visual Learner who loves watching video, or an auditory-focussed person who loves podcasts. As your platform will likely be used by people with different preferences and learning styles and varying levels of understanding of the subjects being presented, you have to be inclusive and make the content accessible to everyone.

Offering transcripts and voice-overs to complement text and video will allow everyone to understand the content and benefit from it fully, whether they may have a hearing or vision impairment, a preference of learning style, or are just more in the mood for one type of content on any given day!

Design, design design!

Apart from the content, the design of the eLearning program is a salient feature which will determine the success of your program. That which may seem trivial to the uninitiated, such as the background colour, lighting, font size, the font type used in the video, and even the body language, clothes and delivery style of the person delivering the lecture are all potential make-or-break points in terms of Learner experience. These things will determine the engagement level of the Learner and how well they received the information and benefited from the program. Some of the above things are picked up by the subconscious mind, and can influence motivation without ever passing through conscious thoughts of the Learner. 


Dynamic video boosts Learner engagement as well as knowledge retention


At TheLearningLab, we pay close attention to the UX of the content to ensure it generates the highest level of engagement. With more than 15 years of experience at our disposal, our agency knows exactly what works.

Keep iterating and re-iterating

Once you have successfully designed the eLearning program, you can now take that much-needed break. You won’t need to do anything for the next couple of months as the employees will keep learning from the digital training material.

Okay, I'm kidding. Thinking eLearning can be produced, released and never looked back at is very shortsighted. The world we live in changes at an incredible pace, and things are changing. As such, it is vital to keep evolving. If you sit back and relax, you will be left behind by an industry that is all about growth and development, and catching up won’t be easy.

Keep looking around, see what changes have occurred in your working environment or the information you’ve based the lessons on, and keep updating the course. You also need to take employee feedback seriously, and make the necessary changes in your videos if something doesn't work. If you don't, you risk seeing dwindling engagement levels. Remember, we talked about two-way communication; your Learners need to feel heard.

Was that useful for you?

This article told you all about how to leverage the power of videos to enhance user engagement, and if you’d like to know more about videos don’t hesitate to read our earlier article about captioning eLearning video. As we mentioned earlier, the e-learning industry is booming. Educational institutions and corporations alike are going all out to develop digital learning content to upgrade the skills of their employees or teach their communities.

As such, if you are not jumping on the bandwagon, you risk losing out to the competitors. Conformity isn’t entirely a bad thing, as long as you remember that adding a dash of innovation is also a must. At TheLearningLab, our creative and inclusive approach to e-Learning makes knowledge straightforward to acquire and hard to forget, meaning the benefit to Learners is real, and the results are measurable. Give your Learners the best possible change at success!

Want a FREE workshop? Be quick and let us know, we’ll be happy to jump right in and get started!

Contact us now and see your concept turn into a fully-fledged resource ready for Learners to sink their teeth into - or send us a message to let us know what topic(s) you want to see covered next!


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