E-Learning Platform for Language teaching

To teach languages online you need to draw up a list of innovative features and definitely look at tools that involve audio, video, interaction...

Technology and creativity must come together to design a new learning experience!

The Learning Management System (LMS) you adopt can change your approach to teaching and start a new relationship with your students. You will be able to deliver languages e-learning courses where the pleasure of learning is a primary factor in retaining information.

In this article we will list some of the essential modern features that will make your job and mission of online language learning easier.

E-Learning Project Management Tool for elearning language teaching


In order to work smoothly with your colleagues, a project management tool specialising in e-learning and integrated into your e-learning platform is essential.


Because we realised that to teach language is so different and needs an unique workflow and processes, we integrated a project management tool into our Learning Management System (LMS).


As a result, the language teacher may begin by creating a storyboard with the script, then move on to the design and animation phase, and finally publish the e-learning course after finishing the design and animation phase.


During these different phases, stakeholders of the e-learning project may exchange documents (poster, videos, logos, photographs, scorms, spreadsheets, etc.) on the same elearning platform, discuss, exchange, and verify in accordance with the established schedule.


TheLearning LAB’s Project management eLearning Tool has a wide variety of features that allow project managers to efficiently:

  • Plan,

  • Manage,

  • Share,

  • Design,

  • Chat,

  • Validate

  • And track the progress of all stages of any project.

Video.base Learning for language teachers

Video.base Learning for language teachers


Our technical and creative teams worked in tandem with language teachers to build a range of innovative and impactful tools.

We've created a series of features that utilise the video's capability to present information in a more detailed manner. Video-based learning is the future!  

The video format is able to deliver complex information in a clear and memorable way. It is what makes the video work! A plain text and photograph combination is less engaging for learners than eLearning Videos for Language Teaching. Hemispheric viewing—direct eye and ear contact with information—helps the learner to absorb and retain it.

1/ Interactive Video: Construct your own scenario through a series of choices.

2/ Video Quiz: Add a quiz to your video! It's simple and terribly efficient!

3/ Screen recording: Software training is perfect for video recording

4/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback

5/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback

Our technical and creative team, in collaboration with language teachers, have built a series of creative and impactful e-learning tools to give our learners all the technical and creative tools they need to build an e-learning language courses.

Creative Integrated Authoring Tool for language teachers 

With an Authoring Tool integrated into our Learning Management System (LMS) for Language Teaching, you may create, test, modify, animate, translate, all in one click.

This makes it possible for you to create, test, modify, and animate all at once with just one click.

Here are some features that should be available in your e-learning platform:

  1. Royalty-free image library

  2. Layout within limits

  3. Integration: image, video, document, audio

  4. Library of pre-designed templates

  5. Video test and question

  6. Library of question types

  7. Text editor

  8. Choice of colours

  9. Image with hotspot

  10. Flash cards

  11. Option to create activities like organize, move, select... 

Using an elearning course authoring tool, you can create a unique layout by combining different support like audio with a selection of a sentence to test the good understanding.

You can use the drag-and-drop function of our elearning platform (LMS) and authoring tool to create elearning courses for language teaching that can be edited in real-time.

You can see your changes appear in the browser or mobile device as you develop instructional material with our elearning platform and authoring tool for Language teaching.

You can focus more on learning objectives and learner experience without having to focus on technical issues as a result.

Quizzes for Language teaching

We listened to all the teachers we met and together we created an ambitious roadmap. We are pleased to present a non-exhaustive list of features that allow you to manage the creation of your tests and certifications as well as your classes.

Here is a list of the features available in our elearning platform (LMS) Learning Lab:

  1. Question bank,

  2. Video Quiz

  3. Description

  4. Leaderboard points

  5. Selective looking

  6. Fully custom catalogue and dashboard

  7. Branches

  8. Scheduled content

  9. Automatic reminder

  10. Automatic continue to…


  12. Pass rate and Number of attempts

  13. Question order: ramdon

  14. Quiz timer

  15. Screen recording

  16. Override quiz evaluation type: Result at the end or directly…

  17. Timeout handling / Result is calculated even upon timeout…

  18. Non Mandatory

  19. Certification, badges, Award…


And also the great option questions practical to teach languages on an Learning Management System:


  1. Multichoice

  2. Matching

  3. Ordering

  4. True and False

  5. Video test

  6. Interactive video

  7. Fill the blanks

  8. buckets…


We care also about the look and feel so every details of our solution from front to admin have be carefully design.  

language teaching tips

Webinar and virtual classroom for language teaching


This function is primary because you also need to talk to your learners.

Your e-learning platform to teach languages should be highly customisable to promote your webinar or virtual classroom in order to have a high degree of visual customisation and student engagement.  

You should be able to include an image as well as a link to a previous webinar session.

You may view the webinar again or miss it if you desire. You may also add a bold, italic, bullet point-formatted description.

Here is a list of features not to be missed:

  1. Webinar date

  2. Time Zone

  3. Instructors in charge and search fonction

  4. Reference section with search (courses)

  5. Webinar serie for digital events

  6. Set Hours and minutes

  7. Password

  8. Attendee management with a queue system

  9. Add to calendar

  10. Ask question

  11. Share session links


With our e-learning platform (LMS) you will be able to organise your language classes, interact with your students and thus animate your classes while remaining close to your students.

Library and Glossary

Make sure that your e-learning platform for teaching Language has a library with all the necessary features for a successful project management and distribution programme. Besides offering PPTs, word documents, spreadsheets, videos, and audios, it should also be able to supply them.

If a language eleaning course includes these files, they should be downloadable and also attached.

You can also use a glossary to define and identify words that are mentioned in the text. It is simple and flexible!

Students Management

You will be managing your student classes of learners with one click.

Here is a list of feature available for you on our e-learning platform dedicated to language teaching:

  • API and sigle signon

  • Bulk add users

  • Audiences Management

  • Brand and white label branches

  • Roles Management

  • Audit Log

  • Download data

  • Complexe filtering system:

    • Activities

    • User parameters

    • User progress

    • Quiz data

    • Assessement

    • Relocation

  • Internal communcation

  • Automatic notification

Finally a Learning Management System dedicated to language teaching

Our e-learning platform dedicated to language teaching is the result of years of consultation with language teachers.

Come and join our community! We look forward to hearing your needs and receiving your ideas.

We are agile and flexible, but above all we are always available and ready to listen.

See you soon!

Learning Lab


Employee Onboarding LMS


What is a Storyboard for eLearning?