Innovative applications of VR for eLearning
A lot of organizations have realised the unique and amazing benefits that virtual reality technologies have to offer in streamlining tasks, cutting down operation cost and automating actions. Due to this, the use of VR is evident in all sectors, including e-learning. This article takes a critical look at how VR applies to elearning.
Read on to find out more.
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1) Scenarification
The application of VR in e-learning allows the creation of scenarios out of learning content.
With VR, scenarios that cannot be created in real life are easily achievable. This helps to improve digital learning experiences and also suitable for digital training in a high level of immersion.
For example, a scenario where the trainee is required to rescue someone from a burning building. Using VR technologies, the training can be executed successfully without damaging physical structures. In such low-risk environments, the required skills and knowledge can also be impacted.
The trainee can be assessed, and the required feedback given. Scenarification has also been applied in law enforcement agencies. For instance, police officers are trained in a facility in Zurich, within VR environments.
VR can also be applied in other aspects of e-learning to develop different kinds of skills. For example, a VR environment could be created for improving public speaking skills, where the trainee speaks to a large virtual audience.
2) VR classrooms
This is an application of VR that is specifically suited for distance learning.
Since students cannot physically meet, a central virtual environment for some form of coordination could be created. That central environment enhances the e-learning experience.
With such central environments, students only need to wear their headsets and plug into classrooms from any part of the world to create virtual representations of themselves. They can use default avatars or create avatars suited to their personalities. Even though such classrooms are not physical spaces, they could be designed with four walls to create a semblance of a physical classroom.
The classrooms could also be created with 3D objects similar to those found in physical classrooms. They enhance learning experiences, as some limitations could be removed.
A variety of digital learning objects could also be applied to improve learning experiences.
E-Learning Innovative content development Agency
3) e-Trips
The virtual version of trips could be created as an application of VR in e-learning.
With VR, anyone can experience any scenario in time, ranging from the experience of the duomo in the renaissance time. For students, VR can improve the quality of learning experiences immensely.
For example, they can read a Art History Book and experiencing 16th-century Rome through a virtual field trip. Virtual field trips are applicable for students who want to learn about the past as well as real-life attractions in different locations.
Such trips are cost-effective. Instead of real-life trips, students can opt for virtual trips created with 360 cameras. This type of elearning experience is perfect for museum trips to locations that are not physically available to students.
One of the best places to experience an e-trip is through The Learning Lab, which offers virtual tours of its collections to a better learning experience.
Finally, digital learning offers a lot of benefits which can be improved with VR. When applied, VR improves the quality of digital learning experiences in unique ways.