SCORM Format for e-learning course design

Since its development, SCORM is a standard that has been applied in enhancing the quality of e-learning content. The extensive knowledge of the SCORM is essential for its excellent application in course e-learning design.  

Although it is a popular e-learning standard, numerous essential details about SCORM are still unknown in the industry. This article highlights the top essential facts every e-learning course design professional should know about SCORM.

It is 16 years old

The first version of SCORM, SCORM 1.0, was released in the early 2000s. Before the development of this standard, the creation of e-learning content was essentially unguided.

Before the development of this standard, core issues were associated with the development of e-learning courses. Even though courses could be created for different devices and platforms, the development of these resources was particularly expensive and difficult.

There was also no method or tool for ensuring compatibility across different platforms. Before SCORM was developed, e-learning professionals also struggled to create content and resources for different audiences.

Since the development of SCORM, e-learning professionals have migrated learning documents and resources, collaborated effectively, and applied various tools.

It ensures that learning content and management systems are compatible.

The compatibility of learning content and management systems is critical to the success of e-learning endeavors. High-quality learning management systems should be able to read content as well as run and report the content.

SCORM is essential for achieving learning goals and objectives because it allows the maximum interaction between learning management systems and content. This standard acts as an interface between both critical elements because it allows them to interact seamlessly.

Interoperability is an essential element of SCORM. This element means when the standard is applied in the development of e-learning, content, and technology can work seamlessly together.

High-quality learning management systems are naturally SCORM compliant.

Every high-quality learning management system is naturally SCORM compliant. As a result, if you have a good quality learning management system, you will not need to bother about the tiny details of creating SCORM-compliant content and resources.

With an excellent learning management system, all of the major details about creating SCORM-compliant are automatically effected. Instead of focusing on the course creation, the focus will be on strategic and analytical activities with such learning management systems.  

SCORM plays an essential role in the standardization of e-learning requirements

Let's begin by clearly highlighting that SCORM was specifically developed to solve the problem of standardization. The main objective of the development of SCORM is the seamless integration of content with different tools and management systems.

With SCORM, developers were given a blueprint to work with in terms of technical specifications. The specifications addressed issues such as the reading and presentation of content with learning management systems, the scoring of assessments, and the exchange of bookmarking and statuses between learning management systems and content.

Because of the availability of the technical specifications, courses and resources could be developed against set goals. The specifications currently serve as the frameworks for discussions on course goals and requirements.

The application of SCORM in standardizing course content and availability of technical specifications has inspired e-learning professionals to strive towards making their operations SCORM compliant.

We should mention that even though e-learning professionals describe their operations as SCORM compliant, it's important to also ask for specific details about the compliance. The versions of SCORM differ. As such, ask for the version of the standard that the services and products are compatible with.

The company’s products and services may be compatible with the basic elements of SCORM and the technical elements.

SCORM still has potential

SCORM still has good potential, even though its application has been declining. The core limitations of SCORM include the incompatibility with the current learning landscape. This is why options like Tin Can are strongly competing with SCORM. This is based on the enhanced compatibility of Tin Can with mobile learning.

Even with the intense competition that SCORM has received, it still has excellent potential and will be applied in the e-learning industry for a long time.

This article has covered all the top details you need for the application of SCORM for maximum productivity.   


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E-Learning, Instructional design theories and models