Evaluating Online Training

The definitive check list for evaluating your online training programs.

I started to design this check list that will tell you everything you need to know about how to assess any training stratégy.

This article will assist you in identifying:

  1. What is needed,

  2. What mistake to avoid,

  3. What are the steps.


Anyone investing in employee training are expected a return on investment and with no doubt clear improvement and goals.

You need to be able to measure your work and its impact! It is quite normal and it is good for you to be able to review your work.

You want to know how to evaluate an online training program so you can get the knowledge you need.


So what are the available technics and methodologies?

But before questions:

·      What are the goals?

·      Do you have clear objectives?

·      Can you break down the ROI per Personas?


To help you within this task here are the most used methodologies of online trainind evalidation:

Donald Kirkpatrick


The Kirkpatrick Model has been trusted for leveraging and validating talent investments for six decades, making it effective.


This method has been applied by learning and development professionals throughout the world, so you may rely on its effectiveness.

The model may be used in all sectors, including government, military, corporate, consulting, service, and humanitarian work.


Methodology breakdown:

  • Level 1 Reaction : How Participant react?

  • Level 2 Learning: What has been learned and can we measure the improvement?

  • Level 3 Behaviour: How Work is now impacted: Improvement?

  • Level 4 Results: Evaluation of the benefits for the Organisation?



After a training session, ask learners to provide feedback regarding their satisfaction with the learning experience.

Also you should evaluate the impact of your employee training program on business results.

It includes popular topics like: onboarding, product and programme launches, leadership development, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), safety, security, and succession planning.

The model has not been found to be ineffective in any industry or programme. This proves its timeless, flexible, and elegant design.

The eLearning industry has grown to rely on Kirkpatrick’s model for good reason. It is easy to apply, and once the evaluation is complete, you will have a thorough understanding of employee learning during training.


The Phillips ROI Model


The Phillips ROI Model methodology and process for L&D and HR teams to link the cost of training programmes with their achievements is referred to as the Phillips ROI Model.


In addition to “methodology”, “process”, and “model”, the phrase “ROI Model” is also used to describe the Phillips ROI Model.


Model Breakdown :

  1. ROI : Return on investment

  2. Results : Measure impact or Performance

  3. Behavoir : Learners Behavior change post training

  4. Learning : Knowledge Transferred To Learners

  5. Reaction : Learner Satisfaction


Nous pouvons mettre en miroir les éléments suivants :

  • Expected returns: Objectives set > ROI

  • Business or organisational needs: Impact Objectives > Impact

  • Performance Expectations: Application Objectives > Application

  • Preference Needs: Reaction Objectives > Reaction

Very similar to the KirkPatrick model, the Philips ROI Model adds a comparison parameter between cost and result. Cost can be extended to include time and effort.

The great thing about using the Phillips ROI method is that it is simple to identify where improvements are needed.

Anderson’s Model of Learning Evaluation


The Anderson model of learning evaluation is a unique three-stage learning evaluation cycle that is designed to be implemented at an enterprise level.

The Anderson model, in contrast, considerations the alignment of training objectives with corporate objectives rather than specific learning techniques.

Anderson's model of the three stages of determining the best training strategy for an organization is suited to determining the current alignment of training against strategic priorities.  

  • In Stage 1, an organisation determines the current alignment of training against strategic priorities.

  • In Stage 2, they assess and evaluate the contribution of learning using a range of methods.

  • In Stage 3, in which they establish the most relevant approaches, follows.

The reason why this training management technique is one of the managers' favorites is because it helps keep their business strategy in mind throughout the training process.

kaufman five levels of evaluation model


There are five levels of evaluation in Kaufman, which are:


  • Lever 1 : Input

    Resources, whether they originate from outside the company or within it, must be evaluated to make sure they are of high quality. Poor quality or insufficient resources could harm an otherwise effective course, for example. The material may be too difficult for the learners, for example. In addition, poor quality course material could also prevent learners from mastering the course material.


  • Level 2 : Process

    The second part assesses learning process satisfaction and efficiency. In other words, the actual delivery of the learning experience. A well-designed training course might be poorly delivered, due to the separation of resources and delivery. By examining which factor was responsible for the success or failure of a course using Kaufman's model, it is easier to see which resources were used most often.


  • Level 3 : Acquisition and Application

    At the third level of Kaufman’s model, the payoffs for individuals and small groups are studied, which he terms the “micro-level client.” In addition to assessing whether learners acquired the knowledge they were taught and whether they applied it in their work, the evaluator also assesses how well the learners used the knowledge they were taught.


  • Level 4 : Organisational Payoffs

    At the macro level, the evaluator assesses the impact of the learning on the organisation as a whole. Performance improvement evaluations and cost-benefit and/or cost-consequence analyses are part of this level.


  • Level 5: Societal Outcomes

    At the fifth level, Kaufman focused on mega-level clients. This looks at the value to society as a whole and the value to the firm's clients. In contrast to Kirkpatrick's levels of appraisal, which look only at the profitability of the firm, mega-level clients' learning is gauged at the stage. The evaluator then assesses whether or how the learning has impacted the company's customers or the population at large.

Next Steps!

Before you judge the effectiveness of your employee training programme, you must identify the “success indicators”. Is training a success if employees become better at their mission! Or are the challenges or issues fixed!

The point is, you will probably want to include more than one measure of training effectiveness. To improve your program, you will have more information with which to work if you include multiple measures.

Even when using the best training evaluation methods, it's often overlooked how much of a difference the learning experience makes.

One parameter of great importance is the tool your organisation uses to structure and implement all its evaluations.


A Learning Management System such as the Learning Lab allows you to track all its steps while managing your project and your audiences.


Before taking any action, you must first identify the reason for it. Whenever you embark on an e-learning journey, you must first plan it out and define the stages.


An e-learning course always has an objective:

·       Solve a problem

·       Increase performance

·       Eliminate errors

·       Increase knowledge of a product or service

·       Know how to apply protocols

·       And so on.


Your company e-learning platform is an important marketing tool!   

From training your employees or customers to welcome you to new business to training your partners or customers, your e-learning courses and platform is obviously a showcase of your brand.

Your company's values and culture will be evident to your customers and partners through this course! This is a fundamental branding exercise!


Authoring Tool is now a must for your future company’s e-learning platform


An e-learning course is like a living organism because it changes and adapts over time. In addition, it is important to ensure that the e-learning platform that you have selected is up to date, integrated and unique in the way it is authored.


Here are some features that should be available in your e-learning platform:

1.      Royalty-free image library

2.    Layout within limits

3.    Integration: image, video, document, audio

4.   Library of pre-designed templates

5.    Video test and question

6.    Library of question types

7.    Text editor

8.    Choice of colours

9.    Image with hotspot

10. Flash cards

11.   Option to create activities like organize, move, select...  


Video base e-learning platform


The increased use of video e-learning by instructional designers is a sign of the importance of this media in the pedagogy. This medium allows complex ideas and processes to be presented in a digestible, educational and attractive manner, thus aiding the retention of information.


Our Video First e-learning platform offers numerous video features:

1/ Interactive Video: Construct your own scenario through a series of choices.

2/ Video Quiz: Add a quiz to your video! It's simple and terribly efficient!

2/ Screen recording: Software training is perfect for video recording

3/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback

4/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback


Project Management Tool for E-Learning

Using project management tools, it is easier to develop new e-learning courses, market them effectively, monitor learners’ progress, and scale production as demand increases.

·       Plan,

·       Manage,

·       Share,

·       Design,

·       Chat,

·       Validate

·       And track the progress of all stages of any project.


E-Learning Platform Trends


eLearning Platform and Design