How to establish a learner-first training model
As the name suggests, learner-first training models are designed with the learner in mind. The learner influences the learning goals, the tools, the learning pathway, and the design of the training.
Learner-first training models may seem like the norm, but that is not always the case. This article takes a detailed look on how organizations can establish a learner-first training model.
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1) Misconceptions about training
Before going into details on how to create a learner-first training model, it is vital to highlight some of the misconceptions about training and how organizations go about training without particularly considering the learner.
A common misconception is the focus on the training platform. Trainers focus on the learning platform, learning content, and delivery mechanism over the learners.
This approach is the tools-first model. Trainers typically use the tools-first approach when they face time constraints. They end up focusing on tactics instead of strategy and create an inefficient training model.
2) Benefits of the learner-first model
With the learner-first model, every aspect of the training is designed for the success of the learner.
A clear strategy, which includes the tools, content, and design, is created with the learner in mind.
Such a strategy will guarantee the learner's success. When the learner is successful, the course itself is successful.
3) How to design a learner-first training model
The design of a learner-first training model has several important steps. These stages are highlighted below.
During the evaluation stage, the goal is to understand the learner. When the learner is understood, training that meets their needs and fills the identified gaps in knowledge and skills will be identified.
Learner personas can be developed and applied in understanding the learner. The persona will give insights into who the learners are and why they are engaging in the training.
This is the stage where the learner pathway is designed. The learner pathway simply describes the journey from where the learner currently is to where they are meant to be after the training.
After creating the learner pathway, the learning tool most suitable for achieving the set goals can be chosen.
In this stage the actual content of the course is created. The design phase thus involves the planning and creation of the course content.
Find out what the course will cover as well as the supporting resources and materials needed for the course, and begin its design.
Test & Improvement
After creating the course content, testing is the next phase in the development of a learner-first training model.
Define the hypothesis of the test as well as the metric of success. Then, find the testing cohort, based on the learner personas developed initially.
Also, carry out pre-testing before the main test to gather benchmark metrics. The test results will either approve or disprove the hypothesis. After testing and getting the required data that support the goals of the training, the next phase of the training can begin.
Training proper
This is where the training begins. After the required studies, the training then begins on the actual target audience. While delivering the training, focus on aspects such as the timelines, rollout model, training requirement, and structure. The training can then be optimized for automation after the initial delivery.
This evaluation is on the actual training audience, and it focuses on how well the training was able to achieve the set goals. Even though a thorough process of creating a learner-first model was created, the results could indicate the need for some changes, which should be implemented.
The learner-first training model is definitely an improvement over the tools-first model. It involves a thorough process of ensuring that training is adapted to the peculiarities and needs of the target audience.
Since the learner-first approach focuses on strategy over tactics, impactful training can be designed, and an organization's training goals can be achieved.
This model keeps the focus of training on the most important component: the learner.