6 ELearning Video Statistics for 2022

Learning about new trends and statistics for the eLearning industry can help you stay informed and up-to-date in your eLearning content development efforts.

Whether you’re just starting out in the eLearning field or are currently working in it, here are some of the top 6 eLearning video statistics that will be relevant to you in 2022

1) The Rise of VR in elearning Video Contents

VR is starting to get more and more popular. There are many factors contributing to that, like market acceptance and price decreases. Nowadays, everyone can enjoy VR experiences without breaking the bank. Many businesses have started using it for eLearning video development as well. Some of them include medical industries, car manufacturers, real estate agencies, e-commerce stores, and many others who have had great results using VR in their daily business operations. Writing an eLearning course about VR might prove beneficial if your target audience consists of business owners or managers who are likely not familiar with virtual reality technology yet. Also, you could provide instructions on how they can create their own eLearning courses with a 360-degree virtual reality experience included.

2) HD Elearning Videos Become the Norm

As more and more business owners shift their focus to online education, they’ll soon find that high-definition video content is a crucial component in delivering a high-quality learning experience. In fact, according to research, 99% of global internet traffic will be IP video by 2022. To meet customer expectations, business owners will have to shift their focus to high-definition (HD) video as opposed to standard definition. While these videos may cost a bit more money than standard ones, they’re well worth it. HD videos are far easier on learners’ eyes and make it much easier for them to fully understand each concept.

3) Multi-Device Consumption Becomes King in Elearning

Even if you’re not developing video content, it's still important to consider that many learners will consume your content on multiple devices. In fact, according to research, eLearning videos accounted for 86% of all online video consumption in 2021. That number is only going to rise over time. When creating e-learning courses and e-learning videos, think about how your design will look and function across multiple device types. 

4) Gamification Makes its Way Into LMSs

2022 is a big year for gamification, with many vendors integrating game mechanics into their learning management systems. We expect gamification to grow in popularity throughout the year and beyond. Vendors who haven’t integrated gaming features yet should start thinking about how they can do so. With more than 50 percent of enterprise content delivered via mobile apps, companies need to develop experiences that grab learners’ attention when they aren’t using traditional desktop/laptop setups. 

5) Bigger Role for Video Transcoding Services

In addition to recording more videos, eLearning content developers are also producing higher-quality videos with greater visual fidelity. When planning an eLearning project, you'll want to plan ahead and account for file transcoding needs. Some of these newfangled video files can be ridiculously large—upwards of 100MB or more per second of video file! While modern desktop computers and laptops can transcode high-quality video quickly enough, it's not always practical (or economical) to purchase machines that come equipped with hardware-based transcoders.

6) Push & Pull Learning Become More Common

Users are increasingly getting access to technology, and it will only continue as more people become part of the growing global middle class. This means that video will not just be a nice-to-have option anymore, but a must-have. Combining video with adaptive learning technology gives students personal attention to fit their unique needs and allows them to learn at their own pace. If you haven’t considered using video in your learning programs yet, 2022 is probably a good time to start thinking about it.

ELearning Video Statistics for 2022

In a world that is becoming increasingly connected, we’re faced with new opportunities and challenges on a daily basis.

In order to stay relevant, as well as valuable in our work and personal lives, we must find new and innovative ways to learn, connect, and adapt. And while there’s no simple solution for tomorrow’s workforce—learning about the trends that are changing society helps us prepare for what comes next. This is why eLearning video statistics should matter to you.

Whether you already have an LMS or are thinking about developing one of your own in the future, it’s important to know what others in your industry are doing now—and plan ahead for what’s coming next.

TheLearning LAB can help companies maximize their return on investment by making sure each video drives engagement and enhances comprehension. If you want to learn more about integrating mobile learning into your business, get in touch


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