Top 10 eLearning Trends for 2022
eLearning represents a huge worldwide market. More than 1.6 billion people are learning online across the world on eLearning Platform. And that number is expected to rise over time.
The internet has millions of websites containing valuable information that can be used for educational purposes. Online courses are being offered by many universities and schools, not just private training organizations. Certification courses have also become popular because you can take them anywhere using an Internet connection.
With the advancement in technology like eLearning platforms all over the globe, eLearning courses are expected to be more interactive and entertaining than they currently are while still providing the same educational value as traditional eLearning courses. This article focuses on the top 10 eLearning trends for 2022.
1.Microlearning in eLearning Platform
Microlearning is defined as a learning intervention that focuses on short and intensive learning experiences to promote changes in attitude or behavior among learners.
As the world becomes more complex, microlearning has become a popular way for people to learn important skills on the go.
When microlearning is used in an eLearning Platform, it may be designed for employees or managers through performance support tools that can help them develop critical skills.
But, in the end, microlearning is not about learning something big in a short time. Instead, the programs are intended to help people improve their micro-skills in a short time frame.
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2. Adaptive Learning
Adaptive learning is a form of teaching in which the material and difficulty level is changed based on how well the student's understanding is. And a great feature in a eLearning platform!
This method has been shown to help students succeed in subjects where they might struggle or struggle more than others, such as math or science.
The idea behind adaptive learning is that every person learns and processes information differently. But, unfortunately, a one-size-fits-all approach to education fails most students because it doesn't consider their own unique needs and interests.
Adaptive learning programs today include state-of-the-art visuals and audio depending on how the student responds to information. This type of teaching is also appealing to students because they have more control over the learning process.
For example, students can rely on their instincts when working through an adaptive program rather than being told how to approach a problem or what to focus on when studying. Several studies have shown that students who go through this particular form of education perform better academically and in real life.
3. Video Learning best tool for eLearning platform
Video learning can be a very helpful tool for individuals who need to know more in-depth information on certain topics. Videos are effective because they can relay information clearly and concisely than traditional methods of instruction.
Video learning can be broken down into three main categories: education, business, and healthcare.
Each category contains many subcategories that best define the specific use of video learning within each respective field. For instance, education encompasses webinars for students to watch at home, self-paced online courses (MOOCs), lectures filmed in classrooms, training videos, and more. Businesses include leadership videos that teach employees how to conduct themselves in various social situations or give guidance about an organization's culture.
This shift towards video has many benefits, including increased flexibility in how and when students study, convenience for working professionals who cannot commit to a traditional four-year degree program but still need or want additional educational qualifications.
Select a visual and video first eLearning Platform!
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Top 10 eLearning Trends for 2022
4. Social Learning
In elearning, Social learning is a special type of social influence that occurs when people observe and then adopt the behaviors and attitudes of other social agents. It has been found that social learning is especially likely to occur through visual observation, called observational learning or modeling, as well as through verbal communication with others.
In an eLearning Platform with social learning, the learner does not have direct contact with the object of his/her observation but uses indirect cues from social interactions as stimuli for acquiring new knowledge about a given task or situation. The social environment is critical in social learning because it provides cues about which models are most effective for particular actions.
5. Gamification
In a eLearning platoform, Gamification is a broad term, existing as an umbrella for several interrelated concepts. It has strong roots in game-based learning (GBL) and can include implementations such as badges, leaderboards, progress bars, points, quests, storyline progression, and rewards - but goes further to cover more abstract concepts such as goal setting and feedback.
In addition, it often involves deploying tech solutions that deliver greater interactivity than a simple quiz or multiple-choice question could offer. Gamification is being used across all types of courses, from compliance training to corporate MBA programs. However, it's particularly suited to workplace learning because eLearning Platform and new technologies are emerging which adapt gamification for mobile, and gamification can also be a powerful way of engaging remote workers.
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6. Augmented and Virtual Reality
Today, augmented and virtual reality in the eLearning industry is a big topic. The industries of augmented and virtual reality have been growing exponentially over the last few years. Companies such as Google, Oculus Rift, Samsung, or Microsoft are all developing their own augmented and virtual reality platforms.
In augmented reality, connecting optical devices such as goggles or screens for computer screens is necessary. These augmented reality products have not yet reached the level of immersion necessary to open up completely new virtual worlds in augmented reality. Through augmented reality, eLearning could provide enhanced 3D models to trainees or users working with real objects.
Virtual reality (VR), on the other hand, is a computer-generated environment that is displayed through a headset, goggles, or through the screen of a mobile device. In this case, augmented and virtual reality creates an artificial world for people to interact with or with objects within it.
In augmented and virtual reality in eLearning, VR headsets can be used to simulate travel experiences such as visiting monuments or nature trails which can also be used for training purposes by letting employees practice their working environment without the need for potentially costly trips abroad.
7. Learning Management Systems (LMS)
The LMS software is an open-source web-based application that provides the user with integrated learning material. This Learning Management System allows instructors to deliver course elearning content electronically by uploading files into the system's server directory. Learners then access the content according to their schedule via internet connection without geographical restraints.
Learning Management Systems or LMS are widely used to conduct online training sessions for organizations, schools, and universities. It is also being utilized in business by providing tools that enable employees to have a knowledge-sharing environment.
Learning management systems or eLearning Platform also often integrate with other educational technologies such as web conferencing applications so that instructors can communicate with students in real-time via voice, video, or presentation sharing.
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8. Personalized learning
Personalized learning is the integration of technology in education. It offers ways for students to learn through projects that let them acquire skills they need to take responsibility for their learning. This technique also allows teachers to provide a differentiated curriculum by allowing each student to work at his or her own pace.
In addition, multimedia tools can be used for elearning facilitators to track what a student has learned up until this point, which leads teachers to customize lessons according to students' strengths and weaknesses.
In the context of education, personalized learning uses self-directed, goal-oriented "active" learning models resulting in active participation rather than the conventional "passive" model of being taught new material typically without understanding its relation to previously learned material or everyday life.
In the end, personalized learning empowers students to develop their potential, pursue excellence, and contribute positively to their larger communities.
9. Mobile Learning
Mobile learning uses digital mobile devices and portable technologies to support, extend and enhance elearning content development. It involves a range of mobile applications such as mobile phones (or smartphones), tablets, netbooks, and wireless handheld devices, as well as the use of mobile connections.
The fundamentals for this type of learning were embedded in the idea that these technological advancements would be creating individualized access for public education.
Overall, the purpose of using mobile learning is to provide learners with any time/anywhere access to information; this has been particularly useful for students who need extra assistance.
The idea is that if they cannot attend class or participate in physical education activities, they can still be reached through their mobile devices.
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10. Online Conferences (webinars)
There are many reasons for online education, but the most compelling is the opportunity to learn in new ways. In addition, it has become 'normal' for today's learners to access information through digital-based media; students expect an easily accessible curriculum delivered efficiently and collaboratively.
Teachers often use online conferences for authentic, collaborative tasks; it allows students to interact with other students around the world. These virtual conferences allow all students to be involved in different networking opportunities while still having a sense of community due to their characteristic common ground: participation in a learning community.
This is an effective way of extending teaching beyond the classroom by creating high-quality elearning content and sharing it with students via mobile devices and tablets.
The future of eLearning is a bright one. These ten elearning trends will shape the industry in 2022 and beyond, from augmented reality to virtual worlds.
With these changes on the horizon, it's time for you to start thinking about how your organization can get ahead of them, so you're not left behind.