Our eLearning Project Management Platform


Take the hassle out of managing an eLearning project with TheLearning LAB eLearning project management platform, which provides top features that will make your life easier. 


Whether planning and managing an internal elearning training project or working on one with a client, TheLearning LAB gives you the elearning tools you need to stay organized, on track, and ready to deliver on time and within budget. 

TheLearning LAB eLearning Project Management Platform simplifies the complex process of managing eLearning projects, saving you and your team time and effort while increasing your project's chance of success. 

 Use these top features in TheLearning LAB to manage your eLearning projects like a pro.


We offer a wide variety of design layouts for project managers

To help keep project managers on top of their workloads, we offer a wide variety of design layouts for project managers. We include a drag-and-drop timeline for viewing tasks at a glance and a calendar view of upcoming milestones to make it easy to plan.

You can also see your activities within each project, helping you manage your time better and preventing scope creep during testing phases. Also included are task reminders and time-tracking tools that allow you to be more efficient with your team's projects.


A powerful authoring tool for project management

Creating a project management tool that is easy to use and adaptable for any project is no easy feat. Our eLearning platform for project management lets you move through your content as easy as possible with a simple, intuitive interface. 

From storyboards to editing to in-line commenting on lessons, our product makes it easy for users at every level. On top of that, we offer powerful collaboration tools, so your entire team works together from one place.

 If you are looking for a flexible authoring tool for project management and course delivery, we are here for you. 


Our Visual StoryBoard for Project Managers

Visualize tasks in a realistic context by connecting them to different roles and scenarios within your organization. A visual project management platform like TheLearning LAB can help you visualize all of these factors more clearly and make more informed decisions.

One way to track progress is through our Storyboard dashboard, which includes user stories connected to different key events in our process: creating new e-learning courses, updating existing elearning courses, improving client support (through training), resolving technical issues/bugs with courses, and preparing upcoming course updates.


Flexible team management and collaboration

One thing that sets us apart from many other eLearning platforms is our feature set. Unlike systems made for just one type of project or organization, we are flexible and powerful enough to accommodate teams working on various projects and in different environments with unique needs.

And for collaborative learning, we offer a variety of ways to connect you with your team, including internal messaging, screen recording, and sharing. 

Our platform's versatility also means that if you are looking for a new project management tool but aren't ready to commit full-time, you can use our system part-time until it is time to make a full conversion.


A shared document library for project managers

No more lost files! The document library is a folder that sits inside every project. When elearning project managers upload documents to it, they can tag and organize them in any way they see fit.

Documents can also be easily shared with collaborators and other teams for better collaboration, making life easy for everyone using our eLearning project management platform.


An all-inclusive dedicated elearning platform for project managers

Most project management platforms focus on managing projects. However, as an elearning project manager, you must do more than manage tasks and schedule workflows. 

Our elearning project management platform does all that, plus more. We have a built-in integration tool that allows you to bring in third-party services like CRM systems, payment gateways, and accounting tools to streamline your business processes from beginning to end.


Supports mobile apps for on-the-go access

Mobile is no longer an option. Mobile-friendly content is expected, and we are happy to say that our platform supports mobile apps on both Apple and Android devices. 

Learning shouldn't be limited by location! Whether you are at home or on the go, you can access your TheLearning LAB dedicated eLearning projects management platform anywhere at any time.


Supports internal messaging between project managers and employees/students

Communicating with your team is a key part of your role as project manager. For example, you may need to give and receive updates on task progress or get input from stakeholders on how to develop a new feature.

Whatever it is, a huge range of communication tools makes all sorts of project management tasks easier. Our elearning project management platform provide instant messaging capabilities so teams can communicate in real-time without bothering anyone else. 

We also include file-sharing features, which help your team stay organized by giving them one central place to upload documents and share feedback as they are being developed.


We offer templates and duplicate courses for easy eLearning course creation

Our project management platform supports templates and duplicate courses, making it easy for you to create courses. We have made some smart features in our app like drag and drop, re-order courses, and adding questions and answers to every slide. 

This makes your work very easy. One can quickly start their project on our platform without coding or programming knowledge. A simple click button feature is added to switch between courses you want to work on.


Keep everyone on the same page without all the meetings

When you are collaborating with remote teams, it can be tough to keep everyone in the loop.

You know there is value in keeping everyone on the same page and updated as new information becomes available, but with so many communication methods and time zones to consider, it can be a struggle.

With our project management platform for eLearning, you can easily share any content, from videos to files to images, with the entire team.

No more wasting time finding a quiet place for yet another conference call.

And thanks to our mobile-friendly approach, you don't have to worry about your video looking small or blurry on your employees' phones.


Our eLearning Project Management Platform supports Branching

Our e-learning project management platform supports Branching, which means you can work on multiple versions simultaneously.

 Depending on your preferences, you can use Branching to do a full-on sprint cycle or keep different versions in mind at once while working. Every change is marked, so even if you only use branching part-time, it helps check in on what was changed and when.

This helps inform updates later—for example, if something specific was promised for a deliverable but never made it into reality, you can check your branches to make sure it didn't slip through a crack.  


Internal messaging for project managers and students

TheLearningLAB eLearning project management platform supports internal messaging between students and instructors, allowing for real-time communication in a way that has never been possible.

Now students can get assistance from their instructor whenever they need it - much more efficient than waiting for someone to get back to you later. 

Even better, instructional designers can automatically offer assistance via internal messaging when student projects are late or contain errors.

This will save time and energy by ensuring that an instructor is only available when needed. Instead of nagging a busy professor with constant emails, now they can easily address issues without spending time sorting through every little issue every student may have at any given time.


Stay organized and keep precise control over your projects

It's easy to get overwhelmed as a project manager. You must keep track of everything: your boss, your employees, and all the moving parts that go into a project. Before you know it, your inbox is flooded with requests and emails from coworkers. 

Tracking down every little detail is time-consuming, and essential information can get lost in piles of clutter, leaving projects in disarray. And when there are so many balls in the air, how do you keep everything organized?

To solve these problems, we designed an intuitive platform that lets you stay on top of your projects. Stay organized with our eLearning platform for project management.

Organize everything from milestones to deliverables and deadlines within our system and set reminders for yourself or your team members to ensure things don't slip through the cracks.


Work better and get more robust with our eLearning project management platform

In a fast-paced business environment, staying on top of your projects is often tricky—so we built TheLearning LAB with eLearning project management software that helps streamline processes and save you time. 

By making it easy to see what tasks are due for each project and assign or reassign them to different members, our platform simplifies your workflow and makes sure nothing falls through the cracks.

 That gives you more time to spend on essential things like creating an engaging course instead of worrying about all your loose ends. Our team can also work with you on our hosted eLearning project management platform that fits your existing technology stack.



TheLearning LAB is the best eLearning platform for project management  

Designed to serve eLearning project managers tool, TheLearning LAB is a robust and feature-packed project management tool. 

From the moment you log in, your experience is amazing; its beautifully designed interface includes elegant drag-and-drop functionality and real-time reports to help you keep tabs on every aspect of your project.

If you are interested in learning more about how TheLearning LAB can help you create engaging eLearning projects, contact us today! We would love to show you how our eLearning platforms will make managing your eLearning projects easier.


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