Why eLearning is Best Training Approach in 2022

Writing a comprehensive, engaging and effective eLearning course requires specialized knowledge, skill and experience.

This can be daunting to those who aren’t trained in the world of instructional design, but learning how to develop eLearning courses doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems – it’s actually quite simple! 

With the help of an eLearning platform like TheLearning LAB, you can create your own engaging training content with just some basic tools.

Here are 10 reasons why developing eLearning content is such a powerful training approach.

1) Elearning is Cost Efficient

The process of creating and delivering an elearning course can be significantly more cost efficient than traditional digital training methods. Since there is no need for travel, travel time or overnight stays, the per person cost savings of taking an elearning course can be substantial. 

The average hotel room costs about $100 a night and travel time costs about $30 per hour in addition to actual transportation costs. 

The total cost of one employee attending an in-person training session could easily exceed $250, but through elearning that same employee could save upwards of $1,000 while improving their own productivity in real-time. Over multiple employees or large corporations, these savings add up quickly.

2) Elearning is Flexible

With elearning content development that blends traditional approaches with modern technology, you’re offering greater flexibility for your workforce. 

And what could be better than making compliance and business goals more attainable? How about offering flexibility for you?

It’s definitely not rocket science...but developing elearning could quickly become one of your most important investments as a growing business owner or manager!


3) Elearning involves Low-Risk

Unlike more expensive approaches like in-person training and classroom training, elearning allows you to try something before fully committing. 

You can test and experiment with all sorts of things, like which days of week work best for people’s schedules or what methods are most effective at getting your point across.

You can even test two versions—say one that includes elearning video and one that does not—and see which works better for your audience.

4) Elearning is Time Saving

While many associate learning to be time consuming, working with an agency like TheLearning LAB can help you save on time. We have created more than 2000 custom training courses for our clients that helped them get better at handling their jobs and responsibilities.

 Working with us will make sure you gain access to fast and easy elearning content development services that will let you design your own training modules in minutes rather than days or weeks. 

Additionally, our talent pool of experts are hand-picked based on years of experience in delivering quality instructional design services so you can trust them to help develop engaging elearning courses that are meant to engage employees instead of just boring them with information overload.

Our powerful yet user-friendly online elearning course builder will help ensure that all your training does not take months to finish but just hours! If you need any assistance from our trainers we have available over chat who know exactly how learners think and operate, meaning they can customize lessons so they don’t forget any important points after they move on to work assignments. 

To top it off, each elearning course comes preloaded with exercises and assessments which were designed by subject matter experts such as business coaches who specialize in developing effective leadership and management skills that are practical as well as impressive.


5) Elearning Promotes Visual Effectiveness

Today, we’re not limited to just text. In fact, many training participants report that visual elements in their training are more effective than just reading words on a page. It’s also been proven that participants retain more information when it’s presented in video or animation form than if it were just written out for them.

That’s why visually appealing and interactive eLearning courses tend to be so powerful: they're engaging and fun! You may even consider hiring an elearning agency like TheLearning LAB to develop your courses from scratch or revamp your existing course materials. 

At TheLearning LAB, we can create high-quality videos for you at affordable prices. Our team will make sure your educational content really shines through every video we produce by using well-written scripts, professionally produced music and sound effects, top-notch narration talent, and professional editing services.

 We want to help you make learners pay attention with captivating stories and give them practical skills using applicable examples. What does all of that mean? Simple: When you choose us as your eLearning agency provider, chances are excellent that you'll see a positive ROI (return on investment).

6) Elearning is Engaging

One of eLearning’s primary benefits is its ability to engage employees with no time away from their jobs. Employees have reported that they prefer receiving training and education through video because it’s engaging and allows them to learn at their own pace, without interruptions. 

This is especially important for employees who work in high-stress environments or do physically-demanding work. If you want to deliver top quality training and education, eLearning videos are one of your best options for achieving that goal.


7) Elearning Promotes Personalization

With personalized training, your organization can ensure that each trainee receives exactly what they need. Not only does it help people retain information more effectively, but it can also be much cheaper than on-site training. 

Elearning content development companies like TheLearning LAB know how to make learning as easy and effective as possible for you and your employees so that everyone can learn together in a collaborative environment. 

Additionally, personalized training allows you to save time and money by not having to train multiple new employees at once or re-train any old employees who may have forgotten some things from their previous job. This means increased efficiency and faster growth.

8) Elearning gives room for Accessibility

If you’re serious about reaching your learners, then offering training via an elearning platform is an obvious choice. It doesn’t matter if they are in their office or on-the-go – their preferred device and time of day will define when and where they access their training.

 Plus, almost every modern organization offers free wi-fi to customers or employees. So, you can be sure that any enterprise that wants to be competitive on talent acquisition needs to embrace accessibility for all of its team members. T

his is only going to get more important as people continue to develop remote working cultures with ease of access being key to its success.


9) Variety of Elearning Platforms, Options and Tools

eLearning has grown in popularity thanks to its low cost, variety of platforms and options, and overall adaptability. With an elearning platform and training content development agency on your side, you’ll be able to better educate employees while reducing costs. 

Plus, today’s learning professionals can choose from a wealth of tools that make it easier than ever to deploy effective training programs. Add responsive design and interactive elearning modules into your mix and you can reach learners virtually anywhere at any time!

10) Elearning Leads To Enhanced Learning Experience

With thousands of educators and trainers creating interactive digital content on numerous elearning platforms, you have access to learning experiences outside your local class room. 

And with learner response data tracking available within these tools, we now have even more insight into how individuals engage with their elearning material—and can track it over time. 

No matter where you are or what time it is, you’re always one click away from learning new skills and improving your current skill set.


E-Learning: How Can TheLearning LAB help

TheLearning LAB can help you and your employees to communicate better, enabling them to be more effective and productive in their daily jobs.

Our elearning training materials are designed for enterprises of all sizes with diverse industry profiles. 

We create effective, user-friendly and high quality elearning content that effectively communicates business objectives to your team members and helps them apply knowledge.

Our training modules cover employee onboarding, compliance training, sales performance support, leadership development etc. Get in touch to find out more


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