E-Learning Course Design: Check List

Time has rendered the question of whether a modern company needs e-Learning, irrelevant. Undoubtedly it does.

However, with over 600 e-Learning content providers Agency on the market,  the choice of supplier for your employees or students can seem incredibly difficult.

An e-Learning Agency Content Provider & Course Designer should be able to create e-learning courses that are relevant, specific and engaging. It is crucial for enterprises to understand that each customer is unique and also their content and interactivity requirements.

To develop quality eLearning Content, components like the number and type of users that will take the eLearning courses design, the content volume to be developed, the users' level of knowledge and the objectives that the company has with the training programs and eLearning Content design must be considered. 

Content Provider Agency eLearning Content Development

Before you start developing the eLearning courses or choosing an e-Learning Agency,  clarify the skill or knowledge that the trainee must achieve with the course to be competent in a specific role.

In the same way, the e-learning courses must be crafted and delivered effectively to facilitate the training process. This is where the LMS e-learning platform (check our LMS) you choose to deliver your eLearning content plays a crucial role.

Other factors to keep in mind before creating an alliance between your company and an eLearning Content Provider, include the type of content your users want, what objectives they seek to achieve with the course and what levels of interactivity they want for it. You should also consider the average age of the users who will benefit from the content and their level of knowledge.

Further, the interactivity of the content can't be neglected.  The learning process that passes through an e-learning platform lms must create a very special connection with the users so they can be hooked.

And the e-learning course must contain a type of material that facilitates the active participation of trainees such as presentations, videos, games or readings that require constant feedback from the student, forums, social walls, among others.

You need a creative partner not only an academic team.

Baring in mind that your employees or students deserve the best, you should think carefully and conduct in-depth research if you're looking for e-Learning agency / Content Providers or if you're going to looking for a e-learning platform. You need quality, speed, effectiveness, interactivity, and confidence. 


TheLearning LAB is one of the leading companies when we talk about e-learning Course development or e-Learning Content Providers. It offers its customers the possibility to have courses and learning content specifically designed to cater to their needs. 

With TheLearning Lab, you can be sure that you will get rapid e-learning course development, Simulation-Based Training, Custom Course Creation, Induction Training hours, Mobile Learning compatible content, Gamification based assessments, Compliance training and Content-Based on Training activities.

Content Development Digital Training. Content

We provide 3 levels of interactivity depending on our client's needs; those levels are increasingly going from the basic course to more complex types of content or courses. Like this:


Addition of static images, addition of text, description of functionalities and basic questionnaire.

Always with the best design! Focus on the learner!


Animated clips or image animation, button functionality, click-based activity, evaluations – gamified assessments and interactive features like drag and drop.

Stunning design and look & feel for the best e-learning experience!


30% animation and animation based simulation, professional voice dubbing, addition of functional buttons, scenario-based simulations and same-based evaluations.

Blending learning and multimedia content. Boring is never an option for e-learning course design. Your Creative e-learning agency will work as part of your team. Choice TheLearning LAB

E-Learning Agency- LMS creative e-learning platform


  1. e-learning Course created using licensed eLearning tools

  2. Use of free assets and copyright images.

  3. Full creative team of 40 people ensures the client gets exactly what he wants

  4. Committed graphics and instructional designers

  5. Video storytelling

  6. E-learning strategy and storyboarding  

  7. Optimized content for the mobile learner

  8. User Interface designed for 'touch screen' mobiles.

  9. SCORM design 

Remember that whether your learners are learning in a classroom, online or in a simulator – if your e-learning course is not attractive and engaging, your learners will fail to engage. 

Thankfully, The Learning Lab has a friendly and easy to use LMS e-learning platform for creative people who believe brand matter.

We create an enhanced e-Learning experience…

Contact us us for a FREE workshop. We can bring your e-Learning vision to life, because education is our thing; we live and breathe it!

Here at TheLearning LAB, we don’t shy away from challenges and we don’t ever stop striving for the very best. Challenge us!


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