An Dang Duy on World Athletics e-Learning Academy

I have been wanting to interview An for several months for his enlightening and innovative work in the world of sport.

For World Athletics e-Learning Academy An with the help of his colleagues like Stéphane Merlino have designed an ambitious and industry leading educational eLearning platform for sport.

Next Generation e-Learning platform TheLearning LAB

The focus has not only been on the Next Generation e-Learning platform TheLearning LAB but also on the creation of premium content for the user experience. Worlds Athletics has invested in the project to break the school model and an academic approach to education to deliver high quality and innovative content.

The educational pathway is varied and engaging, delivering learners not lectures but practical solutions with activities supported by 3D, video, podcasts...

The mission is clear: simple, rich, easy, engaging, memorable, useful, interesting...

The project checks all the boxes.

The result is an unparalleled success and An still has plenty of innovative ideas for the future!

To be continued! Stay tuned


The Importance Of Design In eLearning


Cognitive diversity with Mélodie Ardouin to challenge your elearning strategy!