6 tips voice-actor for eLearning video and podcasts

Have you ever come across someone who spoke in such a powerful way that you felt compelled to engage with their message in your eLearning course?

Our brains are wired to tune in to confident speakers, which tells you all you need to know about quite how important it is to find the right voice-actor for your elearning podcast.

At TheLearning LAB, we work with organisations with varied needs and varied brand messages, and part of our 360° service is ensuring that elearning videos and podcasts are narrated by the most suited option out there.

Not everyone is a natural speaker, just as not everyone is a natural writer. There are voices out there which are perfectly suited for public service announcements, commercials, audiobook narration for children, voice-dubbing for blockbusters, and so on.

There are also voices out there which are absolutely made for eLearning education, whose tone and cadence can make even the heaviest topic pleasant to listen to.

Finding the right voice-actor is crucial. All the elements combine to make or break the eLearning training content, and the wrong voice can render an otherwise excellent eLearning video entirely disengaging. Actually choosing the right voice over actor can feel overwhelming, as you have to ensure that the person you are hiring is capable of conveying your organisation’s core message to the audience.

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eLearning, Tone. Pace. Pitch. Resonance. Humanity.

Our specialists at TheLearning Lab have compiled a shortlist of factors to consider when selecting a voice-actor for your eLearning videos and podcasts, based on over 15 years of experience in the eLearning industry. Want to know exactly what factors to consider when hiring a voice-over actor? Read on!

1. Prioritise language mastery

Searching for a voice-actor there is one reasonably obvious consideration: their linguistic ability. A native speaker will likely have a superior mastery of the intricacies of the language, and if you are hiring someone to record voice-overs for eLearning videos or do a eLearning podcast for you in English, then British, Canadian and American natives are likely going to be the best option for you.

However, it depends heavily on your target audience. If your target audience is in the UK, then a British voice-over actor would be the best option. Likewise, an American voice will appeal most to an American audience. The human brain loves familiarity and is biased towards voices which sound similar to what they hear around themselves every day.

Be warned, however, not to discount non-native speakers - excluding potential voice-actors on the basis of whether or not your language of choice is their mother tongue might mean you miss out on some fantastic speakers who happen to be polyglots! And better yet, they would be able to use their voice to represent your brand across different language regions.

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2. Is that a robot speaking?

It's the 21st century, and we have achieved amazing feats of technology. There is no doubt that the technology we have is capable of doing almost everything us humans can do. As for voice-overs, there are programmes out there which can read out scripts in any language you wish, without a single problem, hitch, or stutter, and with as many revisions as you wish; all available at the touch of a button. Sometimes, this option works. Most of the time, it doesn’t.

No matter how great artificial intelligence (AI) gets or how realistic their voice sound, the voice will never be able to match that of an eLearning experienced voice-over actor. The Learners are not able to emotionally connect to the speaker on that distinctly human level when your course uses AI voice-overs. Whatever your content, it will be read without that special element a human voice brings into the mix.

Although AI can never replace a voice-over actor, and our recommendation is to invest in a voice-actor to fully engage with your target audience, it may be the only option possible within your budget. If you do opt for an AI eLearning voice-over, make sure you hire an agency whose specialists can work with the best software out there, ensuring your content has the most realistic and appropriate AI voice-over possible!

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3. Require prior knowledge and eLearning experience

This is a crucial factor, and one which you should always keep in mind when hiring a voice-over actor. Even the most beautiful or engaging voice can fall flat if it becomes obvious that they have no concept of the voice-over topic. Two factors can mitigate this: a foundation of knowledge in the topic being discussed in the voice-over, or extensive prior experience in the voice-over industry.

It is the confidence in the voice which will convince the listeners that what the person is saying is worth listening to, is authentic, and is reliable. Our specialists at TheLearning Lab headquarters, based in Geneva, Switzerland, have been at the root of many eLearning projects involving voice-overs, and have delivered courses which went on to provide an enriching and engaging learning experience to organisations. There are no limits to what voice-overs can do, and the experience that the perfect voice-over can provide Learners with is worth the upfront cost of hiring the right specialist or voice-actor. After all, your organisation has likely paid for someone to present a one-off, live, in-person session before; and commissioning a voice-over is essentially paying for an unlimited number of reruns!

4. Personality definitely matters

When you hire a voice actor for your eLearning videos or podcasts, you are making them the public voice of your brand - your Learners will resonate with that voice, and their view of your organisation might well change. If you choose wrong, it can cause a loss of faith in your organisation, a loss of trust in your authority in the industry, and generate negative consequences across the board. Really, you might be thinking, all that just because of a bad voice-over?

Yes. Really. The sheer importance of voice cannot be understated, and a mismatch between the voice and your brand is not the way forward. The voice humanises your organisation, and as they say, you only get one chance to make a good first impression! You should aim to hire a team player whose work aligns well with the mission and vision of your company, a person who doesn't merely work for money but who actually enjoys their craft. They should be passionate about the work that is being done. In short, hire a voice-over actor with a good personality and a vested interest in producing quality content.

5. Revisions are part of the deal

We all make mistakes. After all, we’re only human! When your voice-over actor is recording a podcast or doing a voice-over for videos, nine times out of ten things will not go smoothly in the very first take. They need to interpret the text, find the rhythm, the pauses, the tone. You need to hire a voice-over actor who understands that their work may not be entirely what you expected, and who is comfortable with revisions. Note that this doesn't mean you should hire an inexperienced person, or accept there always being numerous back-and-forth communications about the product.

A professional voice-over actor will always send you a high-quality audio file that is ready to use, but will also accept your views when you tell them there is something you prefer to have done differently.

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6. Equipment, equipment, equipment!

When hiring a voice-actor, always check what equipment they intend to use and ask for audio samples to assess quality, clarity, and usability of the eLearning audio files. A great voice doesn’t go very far when there are cars honking in the background, there’s a constant humming sound, or the audio is grainy!

Professional voice-actors will want to provide you with audio files that are clean, ready-to-go and do not contain distracting high- or low-pitch noise. It doesn’t require a full, professional recording studio - so asking for the right quality doesn’t have to force the price up to astronomical heights. Properly designed home-based recording spaces or recording booths can effectively block the noise and provide high-quality audio.

When you are paying a voice-actor, expect to receive crisp audio files!

Feeling ready to hire a voice-over actor?

There you have it, our six tips on selecting a voice actor for your e-learning videos and podcasts! As the voice-over actor plays a crucial role in turning your scripts into audiovisual masterpieces, don't rush into selecting one. Ideally, we recommend relying on an eLearning agency to select the right talent for you, as their experience will ensure that you get exactly what you want from the voice-over or podcast. You are the expert of your niche and industry, eLearning agencies are the specialists you need to bring video and podcasts to life. Still unsure? Contact us!

Contact us for a consultation, a free eLearning workshop, or just for an initial chat to find out what our team can do for your organisation!


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